Activities at Hilderstone Hall Care Home

Our activities team are, first and foremost, devoted to each and every resident in the home, and strive to ensure that their interests, hobbies, capabilities and individual requests are met to the highest standard. This could include one-to-one chats, hand massages, reading, music therapy, flower arranging, movement to music, arts & crafts, gardening and baking. We also have regular fun, adventurous and stimulating trips, where we encourage families and loved ones to join us. We have close links with the Alzheimer's Society, the local primary school, and Trinity Skills who come to sing with residents. All the staff at Hilderstone Hall participate in activities with residents, offering encouragement, stimulation and interaction for everyone involved, providing the most fulfilling experience possible.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.
Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Hilderstone Hall Care Home

Bingo bonanza

Here at Hilderstone Hall residents enjoy a weekly game of bingo , this lightens the spirits puts us all in a good mood and there's always prizes and who doesn't love a good prize !

Every week residents like to see this feature on your activity schedule and without fail every week we have smiles leaving the room.

Live entertainment

Today Residents from Hilderstone Hall welcomed back Deborah from Musical Delights . We had a fantastic morning of singing and swaying along while we listened to some our favourites from the 50s and 60s . Brilliant morning to brighten up a damp day outside.

Musical Memories

Nicci from Musical Memories visits residents monthly to provide us with a fun class of armchair dance, music and movement. We all love it when Nicci visits and we really feel the benefit afterwards.

Musical mystery tour

Our homes had a brilliant time with curator Sarah Deters as she took us on a virtual ‘Music Through the Ages’ tour of St Cecilia’s Hall: Concert Room and Music Museum.

Our residents were thrilled to discover weird and wonderful musical instruments, hear their unusual sounds, and find out how instruments have changed over the last 500 years.

The virtual live event explored the world-renown collection of musical instruments on display at St Cecilia’s Hall, Scotland’s oldest concert hall.


Games afternoons

Residents enjoy regular interactive and sociable games

Just one of the many health benefits of playing domino is to boost immune system. Playing such games give us positive feelings and can make boosts to our immunity. In addition, it can train our brain function as well as fights several diseases.


Musical Moments

Flautist Anna from Musical Moments visited to perform a wonderful set. We had a brilliant time singing, dancing and moving to various musical games

Upcoming events

Volunteers - Could you make a difference?

There are endless ways to help! If you would like more information on Volunteering we'd love to hear from you.

Take a break on us!

We extend a warm invitation to all our emergency services personnell to come and take a break on us! there may be a cake or two .....