Activities at Crabwall Hall Care Home

Activities are an integral part of life at our care home. We want to ensure that the people we support have as much fun as possible during their time with us, so it’s important that our activities programme is created with the interests of residents in mind. Our skilled Activities Coordinators bring a certain uniqueness to the home that can’t be found anywhere else, and which is reflected in the activities they organise.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Jacqui Cameron

Activities Coordinator

We all know that keeping active is important. We have created a wonderful culture within the home and we work together to give residents the best possible experience. We are here to ensure that residents enjoy an environment that is both stimulating and socially active. We ensure the team knows each residents' preferences, so that we can deliver a person-centered program of events and activities. Essential to our homely feel is the strong relationships of trust we build with residents and their families and friends. The home also has its very own minibus for our numerous outings for coffee and shopping, which residents love.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Crabwall Hall Care Home


Games at Crabwall hall

Our residents love to get together in our bright garden room for various activities after their lunch. One of their favourites is sitting with their friends with a nice cup of tea for various games including Connect Four, Dominoes and Draughts. These particular games stimulate and improve eye and hand co-ordination, strategic thinking and also bring o0ut the competitive nature of some! The amount of laughter and chatting that goes on too is very important for our residents emotional welfare.

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Families reunite

For some residents at Crabwall Hall the long awaited reunion with family and friends became a reality recently, as garden visits have now been allowed to commence at the home.  It was welcome news to so many residents, family, and friends, who were kept apart for so long following strict government guidance. Residents and their loved ones got together in the home garden and the garden was fully of joy and chatter.

Kirsty Jones, General Manager at the home, said: “This has been a much welcomed development in what have been very strange times. The visits are safe and organised, and it was wonderful to see how happy it made the residents. We will of course endeavour to keep up the high standards of care, and continue with our ever evolving life enrichment programme, to keep residents engaged. But this was a lovely day.”

Jean Dennett resident at Crabwall Hall said: “The staff here have been so wonderful and generous with their time, keeping us busy and entertained, especially showing us how to use video calls, but nothing beats seeing my family in real life. This was a special moment, and I was over the moon.”


Life’s a picnic

Crabwall Manor went all out as part of National Picnic week with a mouth-watering take away from their local chippy, for a small group of residents. The dining tables were decked with fresh crisp linen, glasses of wine and soft music playing in the background to add to the ambience.  Residents tucked into delicious chicken and chips with a side of mushy peas. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it!.

Not to miss out, others were treated to a very special  ‘Teddy bears’ picnic in our lounge area. For those residents it was a picnic lunch on their ‘laps’ and Resident Jean attended tucking into the tasty buffet that the homes chef, Ian had laid out for them.

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Home celebrates Carers week

Residents of Crabwall Hall recognise the team as part of carers week. The homes residents got busy writing, decorating cards and  making small pretty bundles of sweets for all of the team as way of a big thank you to the whole team.

The small selection of sweets  were wrapped in yellow voile and sealed with yellow ribbon. There were also bundles of chocolate with hand decorated book marks, all decorated by our small group of residents.

The parcels were put into a pretty basket and left in reception with the cards and a note.


Musical Evening

We usually have a variety of visiting performers to Crabwall Hall, and one of the most popular is a lady called Britt, who performs a wide range of songs from all over the world. Sadly, due to the coronavirus, no performers have been able to gain access to the home. Britt knows how much our residents love her performances, so she very kindly made a video of herself singing all of their favourite tunes.

We gathered our residents into the TV lounge, got the musical instruments, props and song sheets out and had a wonderful hour, singing and playing along, with Britt on the TV. Music and singing is such a great uplifting activity, one that can transport you to a single moment in time and conjure up all sorts of memories.

One-to-One Activities

Even though many of our residents have had to endure hardship throughout their lives (many of them have lived through at least one world war) the coronavirus crisis is new to them too. 

Our residents are very resilient, but great care was taken to observe their mental and physical well being during this even more difficult time. On hearing of the lockdown, we immediately sent around a flyer listing all of the one-to-one activities our team could offer them in their rooms. This list included memory games, draughts, dominoes, board games, cards, hand massages and nail painting, music and movement, relaxation sessions, drawing and sketching, or just a lovely chat over a cup of tea.

Every resident enjoyed these sessions at least once a day. We have also been taking a drinks trolley around the rooms; our residents love their lunch time sherry or glass of wine!