Activities at Kings Park Care Home

Activities are an integral part of life at our care home. We want to ensure that the people we support have as much fun as possible during their time with us, so it’s important that our activities programme is created with the interests of residents in mind. Our skilled Activities Coordinators bring a certain uniqueness to the home that can’t be found anywhere else, and which is reflected in the activities they organise.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Claudia Canosa

Activities Lead

Claudia moved to the UK from her native South Africa with her family some 6 years ago, although her family are of Italian decent.

With a caring nature, Claudia worked for a domiciliary care company helping in people in the community before eventually working in a care home environment, working up to the role of Senior Carer.

Realising how much she enjoyed making the residents smile, Claudia has now stepped into the role of Activities Lead here at Kings Park and very much loves the interaction with our residents, who have all taken a real shine to her.

Claudia can regularly be seen with our residents in a very creative capacity, enjoying flower arranging or leading everyone in a game of good old fashioned Bingo!

When at home, Claudia is a mother to two boys and a girl and also a pet mum to the the gorgeous, Molly - a Jack Russell cross.

She loves nothing more than curling up on the sofa in front of a good rom/com, with:  The Holiday, The Lakehouse and The Notebook as some of her favourites to date.

We are so happy to have her as part of the Kings Park team.


Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Kings Park Care Home


Music and Movement

The benefits of dancing and singing were working their magic on our Memory Lane Community!

Even the General Manager Jenna, couldn’t help but get involved! 

We have really enjoyed seeing some great dance moves from our carer Phoebe too! Well done team and residents.

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Minibus outing to The Old Station Tea Rooms

Last week some of our lovely residents got out and about to explore some of the New Forest...

Pony spotting was the name of the game, as the bus wound it's way through the stunning countryside, before taking a much needed pit-stop at The Old Station Tea Rooms in Holmsley.

Stepping inside the tea room was like taking a step back in time! There was lots of memorabilia to see from it's past life as a working railway station, from old fashioned signs, to luggage and trolleys which everyone admired as they waited for their delicious cream teas in what was the original ladies waiting room.

A wonderful time was had by all!

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Cocktails and Canapes evening.

At our Cocktails and Canapes event for our wonderful residents, friends and family of the home, earlier on in the week, everyone had a truly lovely time...

We had the very sparkly Bee Chumley who was back in action in the garden, with her beautiful voice, as everyone was also treated to a glass of something delicious to drink and something equally delicious to nibble on, courtesy of our multi-talented Carer, Emma, who did an incredible job making the cocktails and also the canapes!

Take a look at some of our ever fabulous residents and their equally wonderful family & friends - We really do have some of the best people both here and supporting us at Kings Park and it was so nice to see you all enjoying time together with loved ones in our garden.

Thanks again to all who helped with this event and all who came.

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Sheila's Birthday

We would like to wish the lovely Sheila many happy returns of the day for her birthday, which she celebrated today with her lovely family.

After which, she joined a group of our residents up in the cool Memory Lane dining room for some birthday shortbread making.

Everyone took it in turns to help and were also quick to sample their wonderfully created fayre, before also enjoying some of her delicious birthday cake too.


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Minibus outing to Walford Mill Crafts

Our residents were out and abut recently, spending a little leisurely time down by the river...

Off they all went, with huge smiles, to investigate Walford Mill Crafts, before enjoying a spot of delicious lunch too.

It's amazing just how much a simple change of scene can benefit us all once in a while and our residents thoroughly enjoyed this special trip out.

Thank you, Claudia & Vivian for arranging this - They loved every moment of their day!

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Kings Kids Fun!

Recently, up in our top floor lounge, the room was a hive a activity as we welcomed back the Kings Kids into our home...

This wonderful mother & baby group, which we started some time ago, brings so much fun and joy to our home, but especially for the residents who love engaging with them all.

Seeing how much all the little ones have grown in confidence since they first started coming to the home is amazing and the interactions between young and old is just beautiful to witness.

If you or anyone you know with little ones would like to come along to our weekly group, please get in touch for more information.