Activities at Chalfont Lodge Care Home

Chalfont Lodge is a large care home and we have a diverse range of groups and events to ensure that everyone feels welcome and included. In the Lifestyle team we work hard to create a sense of community and ensure there is always someone to talk to and something to do. 

Our residents help us to plan the monthly lifestyle programme, making sure that everyone has something they like, enabling people to keep up with life long hobbies or pick up new ones. We have long term projects like our summer parties, car shows, BBQs, craft fairs, Christmas shows to mention a few and residents can be as involved as they would like in all stages of the planning or just come along and enjoy on the day.

We love going out on trips, to lunch, shopping or to socialise with other local groups, we also have many people who come into visit us with church services, music, talks and support for our bigger events.

We have a fantastic team of staff and every department is involved in making sure our residents get the most out of living here. We have a brilliant music therapist who works her magic 3 days a week, running group and individual sessions. Our Physiotherapy team keep everyone fit and active, working with us to make sure everyone has access to sports and team games.

We have a full programme groups, events and clubs but none of it would be possible without our residents and their families, we all work together to make this a home from home and to keep laughter and friendship at the heart of what we do.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Alex Perkins & Louise Doyle

Activities Team

Hello, I’m Alex the Activities Lead at Chalfont Lodge, working with me is Louise Doyle. I've worked at Chalfont Lodge for 8 years now. I originally started off as a volunteer and fell in love with the residents, families and staff. Since then, I've been an Activity assist, Activity Coordinator and now the head of the department! Activities are my passion and I love creating an environment where all of the residents can thrive and do what they love!

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Chalfont Lodge Care Home

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Macmillan Coffee Morning

On Friday 28th September, we joined the many people up and down the country who were hosting coffee mornings in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

We had a huge amount of support from residents, relatives, staff and medical professionals who came to see us, indulging in a slice of classic Victoria sponge, cookies and cream cake, and our popular rainbow cake. Our Tassimo coffee machine was put through its paces as it churned our lattes, cappuccinos and hot chocolates to accompany our feast of sweet treats.

We are delighted to say that this was our best attended coffee morning and, with the generosity of all, we raised £125 towards a cause we have all been affected by.

Charity Bike Ride

Charity Bike Ride

Congratulations to Wayne Hughes, our Senior General Manager, who completed the London to Brighton Charity Cycle Ride on Saturday 16th September. This is  Europe’s biggest charity road bike event & is a gruelling 56 mile challenge through the heart of London and the countryside.

Wayne faced a few challenges of his own, as his bike broke after the previous day and he almost had to quit, but ingeniously, Wayne found a bike break down service that came to the rescue and brought him new parts, getting him back on the road again.

After 56 miles of hills, mud and sweat, Wayne safely reached the finish line along with 4000 other riders.

Wayne was raising money & awareness for motor neurone disease (MND) in memory of resident, Steve Moore. Fundraising is vital to help find a cure & help people living with MND now. MND is a life-changing illness, and six people a day are diagnosed in the UK. There is currently no cure & treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and managing the progression of the disease.

Well done, Wayne!

Autumn Preparations

Autumn Preparations

It may still feel like summer, but at Chalfont Lodge we are getting excited about the autumn. Hazel, Hayley & Val have created some beautiful baskets to display throughout the home and help us prepare for the changing season. We may be sad to see summer go, but we have pumpkins and fireworks to look forward to and all the glorious colours that autumn brings.

For the Love of Music

For the Love of Music

What a wonderful way to kick off the weekend! We had Dave Brierley come and perform a medley of songs from the '60s, '70s and '80s. Dave always finds a way to get us all moving and grooving. 

Singing Circle

Singing Circle

We’ve all been enjoying our wonderful Music Therapist's sessions recently. We’re lucky enough to have Louise come to us every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Louise does a large group session and one-to-ones when required. We've all been singing summer songs to try and get a bit of the glorious sunshine back. Fingers crossed!

Flower Power

Flower Power

We’ve decorated our dining room and changed all the centrepieces with new flowers. They look beautiful and it’s always a lot more satisfying when you know you’ve created something yourself.