Activities at Westlake House Care Home

Residents enjoy playing hoopla and bocce bowls, which combine exercise with the thrill of competitive sport. We invite entertainers and musicians to visit the home on a regular basis and residents very much enjoy watching them perform.

We also have our pet therapy dog, Marley, visit the home on a fortnightly basis, and residents love petting him. They also enjoy health and fitness days, where they get the opportunity to participate in armchair exercises and target games.

We always celebrate National Volunteer Week, which we use as a chance to say thank you for the wonderful work that our volunteers do that further enhances the quality of life for those who live at Westlake.

As well as continuing with our favourite activities, such as arts & crafts, bingo, knit & natter, Scrabble, board games, bridge, quizzes, pampers & manicures, reminiscence sessions and musical memories, we always like to launch new activities for residents, which give them the opportunity to socialise with their friends and families. These could be our own vegetable patches, flower arranging sessions, a book club or anything else that our imaginations conjure up.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Cameron Harris

Activities Coordinator Lead

I joined the Barchester family in May 2024 and have instantly felt welcome and supported. As an activity coordinator, I am passionate about getting to know our residents and delivering  person-centred care and activities to all residents, an approach supported by a holistic, whole-home view.  I have a solid theoretical background in supporting older people with their social and wellbeing needs. I graduated with a 2:1 in Psychology BSc in 2022. Since then, I have worked as an activity coordinator and cognitive rehabilitation assistant with older people.

 I am studying for a master’s degree in Psychological therapies to help me progress in clinical work. I am committed to continuous professional development and training to improve Westlake's life enrichment aspect..

I feel that the residents at Westlake House benefit most when we work together as a team to ensure that our service is delivered appropriately, successfully, and in line with high standards set by Barchester.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Westlake House Care Home

Christmas celebrations at Westlake House.

Westlake House Count down to Christmas.

Residents at Westlake House have been getting in the Festive Spirit. We have had lots of fabulous parties and gatherings and celebrating with our love ones. We would like to say thank you to everyone that joined us and to our amazing team.

Baby shower at Westlake House.

We held a lovely baby shower for one of our team, Emily senior care assistant at Westlake House.

We played games and enjoyed delicious cup cakes baked by our chef and we wrote messages, helpful hints and tips and well wishes in a book for Emily to keep.

It was a lovely afternoon enjoyed by all.

Good Luck Emily from us all at Westlake House.

Crafting club at Westlake House

Residents at Westlake House have been busy in their creative crafting workshop this week and have made a beautiful advent calendar in preparation for the festive season.

Having a chat over a cuppa and enjoying delicious home baked cakes, residents working with Mel and Connie created a lovely tree advent calendar. They chose different mediums to decorate the tree beautifully and then filled the draws with chocolatey treats.

We wonder who will be the lucky one to open the compartment for the day and enjoy the delicious treat inside.

Blessing the standard - Veterans event

This Remembrance Sunday we reflect on our lost Heroes at Westlake House. We were honoured to host the AFVBC Crawley & Horsham on Thursday who had the blessing of the standard service. The service was such as remarkable event befitting as we were approaching Armstice day and Remembrance Sunday.

Westlake House hosted a number of dignitaries including our own resident and veteran who’s 100 years old,Tony Snelling. Tony was helped to hand over the standard along with Dr David Skipp, Chairman of the Horsham District Council. The event was overseen by Rev Richard Caldecott of St. Mark's Church, Horsham who performed the blessing ceremony.

We would like to thank AFVBC Crawley & Horsham for choosing Westlake House. We were also blessed by our resident Isabel Richardson who played some hymns throughout the blessing ceremony.

Autumnal Art Session.

Residents at Westlake House had a fantastic Autumnal Art Session led by our wonderful Volunteer Maria Parkhouse. Our residents made colourful Firework paintings and used different mediums to create their art work.

We had a go at leaf printing and we really loved the results. Such a fun afternoon. thank you Maria. We always enjoy your sessions.

A dream come true for Ron.

Resident, Rodney “Ron” Green, at Westlake House wanted to see the Jazz Band he formed almost 20 years ago play. So staff at the home, with help from Ron’s family and friends, made his wish a reality. Staff first found out about Ron’s dream soon after he moved in and, ever since then, they have been dedicated to helping him achieve it.

The Ron Green Big Band musicians sneaked into Westlake House Care home so their performance would be a big surprise. One of the band members and dear friend of Ron’s, Mel Smith, travelled all the way from Somerset to play and be part of Ron’s special day. Ron’s friends and family joined the residents at Westlake House who were all in on the surprise.

In response to this wonderful surprise, Ron said: “It was so amazing. The band were fantastic. I wondered what was going on when they wouldn’t let me in the lounge to start with. Then when I saw the band it is such an amazing feeling to know that such a lovely group of people had arranged all this for me. They played some of my favourite songs, I had a tear in my eye. I was so happy.”

For more information on life at Westlake House please call 01403 270773