Activities at Brampton View Care Home

Activities are the cornerstone of a wholesome home experience, and our Activities Coordinators are always putting their creative minds to the test by organising new and exciting social events for residents to partake in. Of course, we take into account the likes and dislikes of those we support, so if someone doesn’t feel like trying something new, there will always be something on offer to reflect their personal interests. For the people who may just prefer some peace and quiet instead, we also offer one-to-one time that can be enjoyed with a nice cup of coffee or just a simple chat – whatever they desire.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Emma Robinson

Activities Lead

My name is Emma. I am the Activities Lead here at Brampton View. I joined the home in 2023 and I bring lots of new and exciting ideas to the role.

Having worked in the role before I am passionate about bringing a smile to all our residents faces and ensuring they make the most of their time here with us.

If you would like to come and chat with me about your family member then please contact the home to arrange this.

We are always open to new ideas. If you would like to get involved in any of our Life Enrichment activities or have a skill, or project you'd like to share with our residents, please click here to contact me direct. New entertainers and community links are always welcome.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Brampton View Care Home

The Deep comes to Brampton

A big thank you to The Deep for our virtual tour of their fantastic aquarium in Hull.

We had a tour of the Endless Ocean exhibit narrated by Kirsty one of the aquariums tour guides.

Our residents found the experience extremely informative and very relaxing watching all the fish swim past! We even had a smile from a sting ray!

Local Primary School Visits Residents

This week our visit from Kingsthorpe Grove Primary took a bit of a musical turn!

The children brought their new disco glow sticks with them and we each took it in turns to share music with each other. From nursery rhymes with the children to reminiscing songs for D Day 80th anniversary.

Restore Northampton Charity

This week Deborah from Restore Northampton paid a visit to our wonderful Doreen to collect handmade knitted baby blankets, hats and mittens for the baby boutique at Restore!

After staff from the home visited Restore Northampton to see the services they provide for the community Doreen wanted to help out in anyway she could!

Being an avid knitter for most of her life Doreen has been spending time knitting baby items for friends and family and donating them to charity. When she was told of the baby boutique at Restore which provides clothes and baby items free of charge for those in need she was keen to donate some of her sets.

On arrival Deborah and Doreen chatted about Restore and how thrilled everyone would be with the beautiful creations! Deborah commented “It’s wonderful for mums to know that someone is thinking about them and willing to spend the time to create something so precious for their little one.”

Doreen was happy to chat to Deborah about her life and they have shared interests in music and literature. Doreen is currently working on the next set of baby items which she is hoping to deliver herself to Restore Northampton to see all the good work they do firsthand!

Brampton Supports Alzheimer's Awareness

Staff and residents at Brampton View Care Home in Northampton have taken part in a ‘time for a cuppa’ cake sale and coffee morning to raise money for Alzheimer’s Awareness.


Staff and residents at the home got stuck in to help raise funds for this very important cause. On Friday 17th May the home hosted their ‘time for a cuppa’ event with homemade cakes and donated cakes from the local community. Everyone gathered together for a slice of delicious cake and a good natter to raise money for a cause close to our hearts.   

Globally, dementia is one of the biggest challenges we face, with nearly 50 million people living with dementia worldwide.  Residents and staff at Brampton View Care Home were all very supportive and donated to the event.

Mo Masedi, General Manager at Brampton View Care Home said: “Taking part in fundraising for Alzheimer’s Awareness has been a huge amount of fun and everyone at the home has been behind us all the way. It’s for such an important cause and one very close to our hearts here at Brampton View Care Home We’re very glad to be able to do our bit to raise further awareness and money for the charity.”

Cadbury Reminiscence

Staff and residents at Barchester’s Brampton View care home in Northampton were treated to an afternoon of nostalgia and delicious memories when they were joined by Cadbury archivist Sarah Foden and Brand Manager Connor Gould for a talk from the nation’s favourite chocolate brand.


Since the opening of its first shop in Birmingham in 1824, Cadbury has delighted the nation with its confectionary and drinking chocolate. It has been with us throughout everyday and seasonal moments, even popping out of our 99 ice cream cones on the beach. It’s the brand behind our favourite selection boxes, as well as the Cadbury Dairy Milk we unwind with on the sofa. Tastes we’ve known for generations – these have long been a part of Britain’s rich cultural history and the lives of Brits across generations.


Sarah and Connor walked the Barchester residents through the story of the brand’s great success from the very first shop to how Cadbury is celebrating its 200th anniversary in 2024.  They shared photos from down the years, examples of old packaging and ad campaigns from the Cadbury archive in Bournville.  The carefully selected archive material tells the story of an iconic British brand, this year celebrating its 200th anniversary, that has been part of people’s lives through generations, in moments big and small. The brand’s rich history evoked all kinds of nostalgic memories for the residents who all have their own Cadbury memories.


Connor Gould, Brand Manager at Cadbury, said: “It is so rewarding to take part in such a special event as this – we just loved entertaining all the residents this afternoon, especially when it got to the quiz – they all had their own special memories of the brand to share, which was so rewarding to hear. Thanks to everyone at Barchester who joined us. It was wonderful to be able to share our brand story with you all and to hear about what Cadbury means to you.”

Bex Vernon, Resident Experience Coordinator for Barchester Healthcare, commented: “We are excited to work with amazing brands like Cadbury to bring a wide range of fantastic experiences into our homes for all to share. Our residents had the best time remembering how they have enjoyed Cadbury throughout their lives, looking at all the old ad campaigns brought back so many memories.

“Our varied life enrichment programme keeps residents active and socially connected, providing a daily choice of engaging physical, mental and spiritual activities tailored to residents’ interests and abilities,” Bex added.

General Manager, Mo Masedi said: “What a wonderful afternoon we’ve all had, our residents have grown up eating Cadbury chocolate bars, so they were really interested to hear about how the company first came about and how it has evolved over the years.”

Coco Dog therapy

Dementia Pet Therapy

Staff and residents at Barchester’s Brampton View Care Home in Northampton were treated to a visit from some beautiful therapy pets.  Animals have a wonderful calming effect and the residents love to stroke them, talk to them and play with them.


The home was visited by Coco the puppy, Bernard the Bearded Dragon and many rabbits and guinea pigs who caused a great deal of excitement.  All of the residents enjoyed the visit, they petted and fed the animals who seemed to appreciate meeting their new friends.


Lucia says: “The animals have had a wonderful afternoon!  I don’t think they have ever had so much attention!  It was lovely to see the residents getting so much pleasure from the visit.”


General Manager, Mo Masedi said: “All our residents are fascinated by animals so we were delighted that all of them were able to visit.  It was brilliant to be able to ask Lucia questions about working with the animals and what it is like to look after them.  We loved hearing all about their different personalities.”