Activities at Threshfield Court Care Home

Here at Threshfield Court, we aim to tailor the activities to meet the needs of individual residents, the communities within the home and the home as a whole. We have regular, structured activities such as visits from Music for Health, specialist armchair exercise facilitators, local musicians and a growing team of volunteers, including our local clergy. We also have time for arts and crafts, all sorts of games, music, poetry and lots more. We are pretty good at being spontaneous too! 

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Claire Boocock

Activities Coordinator

Hi, my name is Claire Boocock. I come from a background of hospitality and working in the Care Home sector is very new for me but already immense job satisfaction in working with our residents alongside a great team.

I am very excited about this new venture in my career. I am an outgoing person with a big bubbly personality and looking forward to making a big difference to the social well-being of our residents with my flair of creativity and adventure.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Threshfield Court Care Home


Love and Romance baking

The week before Valentine’s Day, “Love and Romance” is definitely in the air with our residents.  We are enjoying  baking and making sweet treats for everyone to enjoy.  Shortbread Hearts were really fun and easy to make and the conversations were so funny. 

We all agreed that no matter how young or old we are, showing a bit of kindness to our partners, spouses, family and friends is so important.  We have a number of true romantics amongst us!

Love is in the air

The month of February is a very special month to us at Threshfield Court as ‘Love is in the Air’.  We decorate our communal areas with bright and cheerful colours and focus our Art and Craft Activities on reds, golds and pinks.  We have lots of fun, reading poetry, listening to music and just chatting about years gone by.  It provides us with those valuable moments where we reminisce and enjoy a little treat on Valentine’s Day.


Birthday celebrations

At Threshfield Court, we really enjoy a birthday celebration using our 'Jolly Trolley', it makes the day extra special and every resident receives a lovely personalised gift along with a birthday card signed by everyone.  As part of the celebrations our hospitality team make a delicious home-made birthday cake which we pop candles on.  We never reveal a person’s age using the correct candles!  Happy Birthday

Games morning

At Threshfield Court, we love to play old fashioned board games – Connect four and dominoes are two of our firm favourites.   They are interactive and sometimes very competitive! Today, we have enjoyed a game as the sounds of old fashioned music played in the background, along with a refreshing cup of tea to hand.  There was lots of conversation, laughs and fun.


Baking fun at Threshfield Court

When its wet , snowy and grey outside we play our favourite tunes on the music box and bake.  This week, we made a superb batch of Mary Berry’s Fruit Scones.  Baking in the morning just before lunch creates a lovely aroma in our dining room.  The hardest part was watching them cool whilst we enjoyed a cup of tea and a chat.   We will be serving them this afternoon with some butter and apricot jam.

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Magical snow at Threshfield

Threshfield Court are very lucky to have beautiful grounds and everywhere looks amazing covered with snow, the garden looked magically dusted from the recent snow especially when we are sat inside nice and warm and cosy!  The homes activities coordinator brought a little of the snow inside for everyone to have a touch and feel. 

There were lots of conversations about snow ball fights, sledging and the snowmen which everyone built when they were younger.

Upcoming events

Emergency Services - Take a break on us!

We extend a warm invitation for you to join us and take a break on us.