Activities at Cheshire Grange Care Home

The activities team are constantly striving to meet the varied needs of everyone who lives in our home, offering a wide range of group and individual social events. There are regular visits from entertainers, along with craft activities, baking, games & puzzle days and pampering sessions, which fill the week. However, we can always find time for outings and just spending that little bit of special time with residents who enjoy the peace and quiet. We aim to bring the activities to the individual, whilst making it a whole home experience.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Jo Eland

Activities Coordinator

After originally starting at Cheshire Grange in May 2015, I'm delighted to be back in the role of Activities Coordinator. It is a privilege to be in this role and spend time, getting to know our ladies and gentleman and their loved one, whilst doing all the fun things that can make such a difference to their days.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Cheshire Grange Care Home

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Cups full of Kindness

Cups of Kindness are our way of saying thank you to any member of our Cheshire Grange family who has made someone, a colleague, a resident, a relative in fact anyone who comes into our home, smile. A cup, filled with sweet treats, is handed out each week, the recipient will be nominated by the previous weeks winner.

It’s heart warming to hear about our winners and joyful to be spreading so many smiles whilst recognising the kindness that fills our home.

The Gloves are On!

We are always looking to try new ideas out and Boxercise was this weeks new idea for our exercise sessions. As well as small group sessions we like to take the activity to the resident because we can tailor the exercise to their individual needs and give the support and encouragement at a person centred level.

It seems that support and encouragement was not needed once the gloves were on, the residents were very enthusiastic and didn't hold back 

Sunshine Moment for Joyce

Joyce has been a lifelong supporter of local rugby league team Warrington Wolves, her passion for the sport and her home team saw her play an active role as a volunteer with The Supporters Trust helping with fundraising for the young academy players.

During the 7 decades Joyce has followed her team she has seen many changes but remained loyal to the primrose and blue travelling the length and breadth of the country to support the lads.

When Joyce was asked if there was anything she'd like to do, it was obvious that it was to go to a match and what better match than a local derby with rivals St Helens.

Joyce and her companions for the day, Carer Katie and Volunteer Mark had the most amazing afternoon at The HJ Stadium and the icing on the cake was a win for the home team! 

Alpaca Visit

Staff and residents always enjoy their regular visits from therapy dogs, imagine the reaction when a recent pet therapy session was organised and Beau, Boo & Ted, three of the most adorable alpacas from Woodlands Alpaca Farm, Thelwall were on the patio waiting to say hello!.

Whoever said never work with animals or children had obviously never met Boo, Beau & Ted who won the residents heart’s the staff were fairly smitten too!!!

Resident Olive was very excited by the Woodland Alpaca Farm’s animals: “I can’t believe I’ve been able to get so close to such beautiful animals, it’s wonderful.” 

Farm Fun & Frolics

The Cheshire Grange Family had a special treat with a visit from Mobile Farm Cheshire .

Kimzy brought her animal friends, Freddie & Otis a young pair of Valais Black Nosed Sheep, Two very playful goats, Silkie Chicks and Flopsy the softest rabbit ever.

Residents were interested in finding out more about the animals and were amazed at how gentle they were and how much they loved being petted. The visit wasn't just restricted to the garden as Flopsy and the chicks went to visit some of the residents in their rooms.

Everyone agreed it was a great afternoon and can't wait for a return visit.

What we wore...

Marks and Spencer's have an archive museum based in Leeds which is open for groups to visit, from this resource they loan out 'boxes' to care home. We were lucky enough to have the loan of a  'What We Wore' box....this contained original garments from the 50's, 60's & 70's along with information about them. We were also very fortunate to add to the collection, as Activities Coordinator Jo, never throws anything away, so we also had some very stylish clothing from the 1980s,  a 1940s wedding dress and baby clothes from 1965!

The ladies all remembered the infamous panty girdle and making a 'pinny' in needlework classes. They were fascinated by the baby dress that Activities Coordinator Jo brought in and the photo of her wearing it!!!

Thank you to M&S for sharing the box with us and giving us a fantastic reminiscence activity & the Activities Team an excuse to dress up. This was so successful  we now plan to build our own collection so it can become a regular feature of our Life Enrichment programme.

Upcoming events

Barchester's Big Quiz - Live Virtual Event

Calling all quizzers!

Join us for an exciting quiz to test your general knowledge and see who is the biggest brainbox of them all!