Midurethral sling has side effects

Midurethral sling has side effects

Woman who undergo a common pelvic floor surgery for prolapse are often fitted with a device to prevent incontinence. However, it has been found that the device may increase side effects in patients.

Prolapse can occur after giving birth and has to be treated with surgery in many cases. A midurethral sling is often also attached to prevent incontinence.

A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine claims that a midurethral sling can carry risks for patients and thus should only be fitted after incontinence has been experienced, rather than in anticipation of it.

Researchers observed higher rates of bladder perforations, urinary-tract infections, major bleeding complications and incomplete bladder emptying six weeks after surgery in women fitted with a midurethral sling, compared to those participants given sham incisions.

Among the 161 women fitted with the sling, 6.7 per cent had bladder perforations, compared to 0 per cent in those without. However, instances of urinary-tract infections were more common, occurring at a rate of 31 per cent.

Some 3.1 per cent of females had major bleeding and 3.7 per cent were not empting their bladder properly.

Women without the sling experienced no side effects, except urinary-tract infections, which were present in 18.3 per cent.

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