Reviews for Tewkesbury Fields Care Home

We score 9.8/10

37 Reviews

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"My wife visited Tewkesbury Fields for the first time for the purpose of a one week respite break. Visiting somewhere new for the first time is always a difficult situation, but the staff at Tewkesbury Fields made her feel really welcome. The facilities were excellent, as was the food, but what really stood out was the professionalism of the care team. They are, without doubt, a very special group of people. The highlight for her was the activity programme. The Activities Coordinator's bubbly personality shone through in everything she did. Involving my wife & other residents in these activities makes such a difference. Our thanks go out to the whole team, and my wife is looking forward to her next break."

Suzanne B rating: 5.00 out of 5

"The home is exceptional in what it offers as far as i know. There are excellent staff and the atmosphere is positive, warm and friendly. Food seems to be good- though i hear there maybe problems with getting the dishes a residents had ordered the day before. I am concerned that inadequate use is made of "bright light" area or access to secure outside spaces, landscapes could be much improved for safety, sensory, ease of access and multiple use. The activities programme is very good."

G L rating: 3.91 out of 5

"I cannot praise the staff highly enough. They are a cheerful willing band who do all they can for the residents but on occasions there are too few staff and calls for assistance are not answered quickly enough. Because my father requires oxygen he is confined to his room quite a lot so more opportunities to be taken outside in a wheelchair would greatly improve his wellbeing as he is very much an outdoors man who loved his garden, wildlife and watching the birds ect."

Lynda M rating: 3.67 out of 5

"A1 +++"

James M rating: 4.58 out of 5

"Tewkesbury Fields Care Home is a very well run, comfortable care home where the staff are uniformly kind, caring, know all the names of the residents and address them personally and gently, no matter what their problems are. My 107-year-old mother has all her needs met and feels at home with the efficient friendly staff."

David W rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Staff are very good and helpful - under sometimes difficult circumstances. There is a very varied programme of activities for residents to enjoy and participate in. Knowing my mother is in a safe environment and receiving the care she needs is a great support and help to the family."

M B rating: 4.17 out of 5

"The prominent feature is one of smiling kind staff. The staff are without exception, kind and encouraging. The food is adequate if a little unimaginative, it is well cooked and well presented. The entertainment is varied though frequently, not what appears to be on the programme. There is always encouragement to do what you would like to do. Trips out are undoubtedly not nearly enough - lack of staff to go on trips to help with managing that less able, which to the majority are. The inviting of locals to give entertainment is excellent and needs encouraging. Families are always welcome."

J C rating: 4.08 out of 5

"My father was given very short notice to leave hospital and find a care home. We chose Tewksbury Fields partly because the manager and staff were so friendly, helpful, answered all our questions and were very accommodating. My father has settled well and feels that the home is now his home - this is helped by the friendly, pleasant attitude of the staff who stop to chat to him and help if he has a problem or question. he loves the activities, especially the exercise classes as he likes to socialise and interact with other people."

Alistair G rating: 4.58 out of 5

"My parent is in here for respite care for 2 weeks following a hospital stay after an RTC. Mum is overjoyed at the service & cleanliness of the home, the staff are very friendly & go overboard in trying to make their stay as nice as possible. Dad has mild dementia & they treat him with great respect & never leave him out of anything. The home phone me to give me updates or if they have any worries about my parents. All in all a great place to be."

George rating: 5.00 out of 5

"My mother has been a resident for 3 years here and 2 years at a previous home. I have marked Management as "Good", however, if this were to cover the last 3 years it would be "very poor" because until recently there have been frequent changes to the manager and it is a credit to the staff that this didn't negatively impact the running of the home. My only negative is value for money because most care homes cost £1,000 per week and although this is perhaps the true cost, it should be met by the public sector, that both my parents contributed to all of their working lives. Therefore this statement applies to all privately run care facilities."

GD rating: 4.08 out of 5

"Very impressed with my room and especially the views of countryside and birds coming to feed. The staff are very pleased and helpful."

B F rating: 4.00 out of 5

"My wife came to Tewkesbury Fields Care Home over 4 years ago after a spell in hospital. We chose this care home following strong recommendations from friends and did not view any other homes. She is suffering from an incurable illness and we have been very pleased with the care provided. The outstanding element of the care is the quality of the staff. They have always shown the skill and application needed especially as my wife requires hoisting for all transfers, fed at every meal and is difficult to understand because of her speech problems. Another excellent feature is the busy programme of activities. I would confidently recommend this home to anyone in a similar situation to my wife."

N C rating: 4.83 out of 5

"I know very little that goes on every day but we find her when we call, well looked after. Some days in good form and others not but we can't expect anything else at her age. She feels bored and lonely but again, one cannot expect anything else at her age. I feel more staff are needed."

Theresa C rating: 4.00 out of 5

"My Aunt has been resident at Tewkesbury Fields for 3 years. In those three years, her care has been outstanding and is improving all the time. The care/nursing care, activity, housekeeping, maintenance and management team has given 100+% care, kindness, respectfulness, empathy and amazing patience to all residents. The atmosphere is relaxed, welcoming and homely. The changes made since the new manager has been in post, is very positive. A big thank you to Brighterkind staff for their dedication, kindness and support."

Lyn H rating: 4.33 out of 5

"My mother has genuinely thrived since moving into Tewkesbury Fields. As someone in her 90's with very brittle bones, she feels that she is in a safe environment. The rooms are lovely and being all on one level is great - no stairs or lifts. She's very happy there and it is always a pleasure to visit. The manager runs a tight ship and is supported by a fantastic and highly experienced team who really care about the residents."

Georgina C rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Absolutely amazed by the standard of service and care at The Fields. The management were extremely welcoming and friendly; staff caring and attentive; food and service far ahead of expectations. Nothing is too much trouble. The dedicated GP is lovely and highly expert. Love the 'open door' policy for having guests to join meals, included phone and tea/coffee makes it a 'home from home'."

David H rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Admitted for respite care - everyone appears friendly, helpful and very caring."

W O rating: 4.42 out of 5

"The care home gave a very positive impression. The clients seem well cared for and respected. Staff were friendly and helpful."

S D rating: 4.45 out of 5

"My mother of 93 years, settled into this caring and supportive home very easily. Any worries or concerns regarding our choice quickly disappeared. Staff are excellent, very friendly yet knowledgeable and happy in their work. Environment very safe and comfortable, we explored many other care homes and we feel so relaxed and happy with our choice."

Michael B rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Your kindly, intelligent staff really do make the best of a difficult experience. It appears that you are under staffed in some areas."

P H rating: 4.50 out of 5

"The care is excellent. My husband has settled down very well due to excellent care from all the staff. Food is plenty always, I rate 9 out of 10. For nursing care 10 out of 10. I feel the nurses are professional and approachable and give me accurate information about my husband. The new management, home manager I rate as very competent and efficient."

Monica B rating: 5.00 out of 5

"My nan was a resident at Tewkesbury Fields from May 2017 - October 2017. She was always clean, happy and listened to. She passed away in October 2017 and the nurses and care staff were wonderful. They allowed my family to stay for 5 days until my nan passed. They gave them food and drinks, were caring and friendly, we even had use of a room to rest in if needed. We couldn't have got better care and neither could my nan."

Kathryn D rating: 5.00 out of 5

"My mother moved to Tewkesbury Fields in May 2017 direct from hospital. She was not a well lady, however, while living there her appetite improved, she felt cared for and was happy. Her 'end of life' treatment was exemplary. The expert dedicated care she was given could not have been better. For the last five days of her life, we were allowed to 'move in' with her. It felt like home. The staff cared for us as well as my mother. They fed us, gave us a room and so, so much support. The staff work as a team from the handyman to the nurses, everyone cares and helps the residents. Residents' individual needs were clearly catered for as we learnt by living there ourselves. My mother died peacefully in her sleep and Tewkesbury Fields enabled us to be with her and feel comforted by the fact she had received the best care possible, given with love, compassion and dignity. Tewkesbury Fields is a very clean, attractive building in a delightful country setting with grounds and country views. All the staff are excellent and I cannot express just how good our experience was. A sad time made easier by everyone who works there."

Joan D rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Mum was very ill but the care provided was stepped up to cater her extra needs. Also, the support offered to the family was extremely professional. We were informed regularly as to the treatment and options available. I believe mum is still with us because of the dedication of the entire team."

Gary M rating: 4.92 out of 5

"A warm and friendly environment with caring staff. They have had a few managers and many changes. Hopefully, this will improve once the new manager starts in mid-November. They need one or two more HCN's or nursing staff to cope with the demands of the residents. Staff work very hard, the day staff are more considerate than the night staff."

J E rating: 3.67 out of 5

"It is a pleasure to visit Tewkesbury Fields Care Home. I am always made welcome by the care staff. I am amazed how patient everyone is with my friend and thank them for the kindness shown to her. I occasionally have lunch with her, the food is very good and tasty."

Malcolm J rating: 4.45 out of 5

"I have been visiting my friend for over a year, the staff have always been pleasant and treat all the residents with great care. They have regular events to give pleasure to those who wish to attend. The staff are always going around with the drinks trolley with biscuits and cakes and the visitors are also given the choice to have some. Also, the cleaners do an excellent job of keeping the care home very clean."

L P rating: 4.83 out of 5

"My mother lived in Tewkesbury Fields from May until October this year. We feel extremely lucky to have found such a wonderful home for her after a traumatic stay in hospital. She was not well but her overall condition improved slightly due entirely to the amazing professional care she received. She got to know the staff and was made to feel safe and secure in her surroundings. Her appetite even improved. Sadly, Mum passed away on 18 October but her end of life care was amazing. The staff made us, as a family, so welcome and we were able to be with her day and night for 5 days. Mum was cared for with dignity and compassion - we will never be able to repay the kindness shown to us by everyone at Tewkesbury Fields."

Kathy P rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Last spring, medical and social professionals informed my wife and I that 'little progress was being made' and that it was up to me. Afterwards, my wife said ' I don't mind where we go so long as we are together'. Naturally, I knew this could not be and felt vulnerable. You can imagine my relief to hear from the manager at Tewkesbury Fields that a camp bed could be put up alongside her, whenever I felt it be necessary, as was the case only a month later when she suffered a 'minor' stroke. Here, I could feel confident that the resident's needs would be of prime importance. From this standpoint, care in all its aspects flows, among which are nursing, personal hygiene, chiropody and hairstyling. A menu to look forward to and the ambience of the home. These and others, are all received but, for the resident's psychological health and well being, activities play a crucial role by helping him or her to play a part, to belong. Then through the monthly service, speaking visitors and minibus trips, by encouraging each one to look outwards, beyond the home."

Noel S rating: 4.58 out of 5

"Staff work extremely hard and are almost always polite and helpful. However, staff shortages are causing a lot of stress. I feel they are always rushed. Need for toileting at times up to an hour which is most unpleasant. Communication about residents could be improved. Food is on the whole good but not for diabetic clients as sometimes difficult to cater to all requests."

Bridget F rating: 3.67 out of 5

"Mum is fantastically looked after at Tewkesbury Fields, her care has been absolutely brilliant. She says herself that she is "being spoilt rotten", is "happier", that "the staff can't do enough for her" and all of the residents in general. She feels safe now, has much more social contact, fun, support and encouragement. Her days are much fuller, interacting with staff, who are constantly making her laugh and other residents, and her lovely visitors and friends and neighbours popping in also. I feel that they are looking after us too, as a family, throughout these very difficult, sensitive times and changes, as mum was desperate to stay at home. I absolutely cannot fault anything. I really look forward to going in, to see mum obviously and her friends there but also all the wonderful friendly staff who create such a warm atmosphere. Everyone is unfailingly professional, helpful, cheerful and welcoming and they obviously all really love their work and the residents."

Lesley M rating: 5.00 out of 5

"My mother was reluctant to go into a care home, however, she is extremely settled and happy and would not wish to be anywhere else. She loves her room and the privacy offered. The staff are supportive and most caring in every way. The general atmosphere is bright and welcoming. My mother describes it as being in a very nice hotel, the dining room being particularly pleasant with good, nutritious food on offer. Although the care is expensive, quality and caring staff come at a cost."

Melinda S rating: 4.92 out of 5

"My father has been in Tewkesbury Fields for some time now and is happy there. The carers and nurses are very friendly and get on well with dad. Many of the activities are fun and brighten the residents' days. Any problems encountered have been dealt with very quickly. The atmosphere is usually very nice, apart from the shouting by one very unpleasant resident who is both disruptive and rude and spoils the mood for everyone on a regular basis. My father is sensitive to this and it is a shame as it is really the only ongoing issue we have with the home. I feel very sorry for the residents and staff who have to put up with this antisocial behaviour. The home is clean and well maintained. There is good parking and lovely grounds. I would definitely recommend Tewsbury Fields to anyone looking for a caring home."

Wendy T rating: 4.83 out of 5

"My mother has been in Tewkesbury Fields for two years now, the whole care home has a pleasant atmosphere upon entry into the front door and all of the staff are always very kind thoughtful and happy within their work. I cannot recommend Tewkesbury Fields highly enough it has way outlived any of my expectations when it comes to my mother's care. Five-star recommendation for me right across the board. All of my mother's needs are taken care of and I sleep well at night knowing that she's being well looked after. We have also had issues with the local authority which was a very worrying time for my father and myself and very complex to deal with. The staff, including the manageress of the care home have been nothing but absolutely fantastic with supporting us through this difficult time and we really appreciate everything that they have done for us. Many thanks."

Alan H rating: 5.00 out of 5

"All staff of the care home are polite and helpful. There is nothing they won't do for you, carers and helpers especially."

F H rating: 5.00 out of 5

"When entering Tewkesbury Fields Care Home there always seems to be a welcoming atmosphere and helpful receptionist. Staff, carers and all other staff work tremendously hard and show much patience and understanding. Always eager to prioritise residents safety and well being with cheerful willingness to please with needs and requests. The activities team have much vitality adding much brightness and stimulation to residents days. Go to tremendous efforts to ensure happy times. Reassuring to be able to discuss health issues regarding my husband with the nurses, very understanding and aware of any problems or difficulties. Overall a happy and warm home."

W B rating: 4.83 out of 5

"Mum has been in Tewkesbury Fields for a few months now, I am very happy with the care she is receiving."

Caroline R rating: 4.92 out of 5

"Friendly welcome and familiar, always a smile (unless inappropriate)! Friends and family treated well and welcoming, care explained."

Joanna C rating: 3.17 out of 5

"Personal care and friendliness has been superb. There is a lovely atmosphere and homeliness about Tewkesbury Fields and all visitors are made welcome. Very comfortable rooms and pleasant outlook and all on one level."

Alan G rating: 4.83 out of 5

"Having come here following a serious operation for respite care I have been really well cared for by such a lovely happy working team which has helped my recovery enormously for a fortnight. I compliment all the staff who work equally hard for the benefit of their patients in a friendly atmosphere. Thank you."

Megan Celia G rating: 4.82 out of 5

"The staff quickly recognised my mother was seriously ill and admitted her to hospital, where she stayed for 10 days until well enough to return to the home. She has improved considerably and now looks clean, tidy and well cared for."

Jane C rating: 5.00 out of 5

"All the staff were exceptional in their care and support of my mother right from the beginning when she moved in. During her stay, through her short illness and throughout her final days, there was a friendly and supportive atmosphere throughout the home and the staff genuinely cared for both my mum and myself and any friends coming into the home to visit or accompany me. So although a sad time, it was made easier by the experience we had whilst there."

R C rating: 4.83 out of 5

"If you are looking for a home for your loved one, look no further. My mother was loved, cared for, understood, brought lovely food, entertained, engaged in activities, participated in art and baking and had a lovely cosy room. When the end of her life naturally occurred, I witnessed a whole new skill set. My experience was nothing short of outstanding and all the carers and nurses went above and beyond to make Mum extremely cared for and it was a huge comfort for which I am extremely grateful. I feel total respect for the role they undertake and the way they do it. The day after Mum passed the manager said they all felt a bit down as Mum brightened their day. I am left with complete reassurance knowing that Mums final years were happy ones at Tewkesbury Fields. Exemplary service. Daughter of a much loved resident."

D D rating: 4.92 out of 5

"The respite resident stayed at Tewkesbury Fields for one week and she was well cared for, attended activities and socialising. Her mental and physical condition appears improved following her stay. She has told me she had a very happy time and would go again. Thank you for looking after this resident."

Jan L rating: 4.92 out of 5

"Everyone is very good to the wife in a manner and help in every way."

F H rating: 4.83 out of 5

"Mum is very content, happy and settled at Tewkesbury Fields, she loves her room. Thanks to the dedication, kindness, empathy and professionalism of nursing, care, kitchen and housekeeping staff, her emotional, medical and practical needs are very well met. We are particularly grateful for the positive attitude shown by all staff on Abbey Wing who work tirelessly and cheerfully, despite insecurity and uncertainty caused by three changes of home manager in 12 months. These changes have manifested in breakdowns in chains of communication, failure to implement planned improvements (eg. key worker scheme) and the procurement of resources (eg. items of china, light fittings, repairs to a bath). Failure to retain a care home manager indicates poor leadership at a higher level outside of the home itself, and I hope that the new owners will give consideration to improved systems of recruitment, professional development support and appraisal, perhaps involving residents and their families in these processes."

Jacqueline B rating: 4.50 out of 5

"I write this review during the Corona crisis. I have been in regular contact with Tewkesbury Fields and have been given regular updates. Staff have helped Mum with phone calls (her sight is not too good) so we have been able to talk to her regularly. I have confidence that quarantine procedures and care continue at a high standard. Overall (in normal circumstances and during this isolation) I have found the staff to be kind, caring and thoughtful. I have always felt that I can approach staff or management with any questions or queries. I know my Mum is warm, safe but most of all she is being well looked after and that gives me peace of mind, what else could I ask for? Thank you for all that you do."

Carol C rating: 4.58 out of 5

"All the staff are fabulous and they care for my Dad so well! They are always very friendly. He seems to be very happy with the staff and his surroundings. I can’t thank everyone at Tewkesbury Fields enough for their continued hard work."

Kim H rating: 4.58 out of 5

"My Aunt was admitted to Tewkesbury Fields after leaving hospital. I had always vowed that I would never put her in a home as she would not be cared for as well as I and the family would. How I was proved to be wrong! Since the first day she arrived at Tewkesbury Fields, I can not begin to say just how amazing the staff and everything the home offers are. The whole team are loving, kind, patient and so friendly. The rooms beautifully clean. Before the 'lockdown', I visited every week and have found their caring to be so genuine always striving for her best interests, keeping her clean, tidy and her mind stimulated with so many different activities, along with well cooked and presented, nourishing meals. Seeing her smiling and happy, I honestly believe the team at Tewkesbury Fields care for my Aunt as if she were family and my mind is at rest, certain that we have made the right choice for her. Thank you Tewkesbury Fields for looking after my Aunt with the love that we would."

Soula rating: 4.92 out of 5

"When our doctor felt my husband needed 24-hour care, I knew he was right, as I had hoped to be able to continue to be of some help otherwise. He has improved a lot with the wonderful attention given to him, I shall always be grateful for that."

J T rating: 4.67 out of 5

"The care taken of my aunt at Tewkesbury Fields has been exceptional. I have never once regretted the choice of care home. She is very settled and has not complained about anything, and she would have if she had not been happy! Staff are courteous and friendly. Any health issues are dealt with quickly and communicated to me immediately. During the present difficulties I have been confident that she is well cared for. This is both a comfort for her and for me! I cannot fault the care she receives, the food, the overall environment and last but not least the staff, who are great. It does not feel like a care home!!"

Catherine R rating: 4.50 out of 5

"This care home is generally very good most of the carers are very good. A few could do with more training. The rooms are very clean the only complaint I would make is the food could be a lot better for the money paid per month. But this care home has a lot to offer."

Gordon T rating: 4.00 out of 5

"The team at Tewkesbury Fields have done an amazing job in recent months protecting themselves and the residents from covid-19, demonstrating immense dedication to ensure the care they provide is of the highest standard. Thank you so much for this, it means a lot! Despite families being prevented from visits inside, the home has introduced well-organised garden visits, which has enabled some personal time to be spent with Dad. It has made such a difference to be able to see him face to face, with the rules being followed by the staff in a very engaging way, to ensure we both have the best experience from the visits. The team are always friendly, very happy to produce reassurance if needed, listen to any concerns and chat things through. It's great to know how committed and hardworking the staff are to make sure the residents needs come first. Nothing is ever too much trouble, and I feel fortunate that Dad is in such a lovely environment and care for by such a brilliant team."

L L rating: 4.92 out of 5

"We found ourselves in a position looking for a home for palliative care for our aunt. From the very first contact with Tewkesbury Fields, the receptionist was compassionate and extremely helpful and gave me information on the home and what the next steps would be. The general manager, although new to the home was amazing. All of the staff were friendly, helpful and we honestly felt that they all wanted her to be happy in the home. From the house keepers, care assistants, chef and nurses. Two days in she turned 80, they got her flowers and put banners up and allowed us to see her through the window whilst one of the carers helped her with her presents. Sadly after only a week we were called and were allowed to be with her during her last hours, all of the staff again, were amazing, looking after us with food and drink, talking everything through, huge thanks to all the team - you really do make a difference!"

Lucy P rating: 4.58 out of 5

"My Sister-in-Law was admitted to the care home living alone in a flat for 4 years after her husband passed away. Prior to moving to the home, she became lonely, frightened and unable to look after herself. She was also diagnosed with dementia. Since moving to the care home she blossomed from a frail old lady of 94 years, into a happy person who feels safe as the home is now her comfort zone. Sincere thanks to the management and all staff who should proud of the excellent care and facilities offered to all the residents."

Ray G rating: 5.00 out of 5

"My mother came to Tewkesbury Fields from hospital last year as she was not capable of living independently at home. She was confused and frightened to be there as she really wanted to stay in her own home. However, the staff were very friendly and caring and soon my mother felt confident enough to spend all day in the day room instead of her own room. The staff are great, nothing is too much trouble and if there are any niggles they respond quickly. Likewise, if they notice a problem they are prompt in contacting you. The home is beautifully clean and homely. My mother has a special diet and this is well catered for by the kitchen staff - she really enjoys the home cooking. The care staff have responded well to my mother's gradual deterioration due to her medical problems and she is well looked after. The activities team encourage her to join in activities for her enjoyment and stimulation. Everyone has worked hard during the crisis and I look forward to visiting in person again soon."

Diane B rating: 4.58 out of 5

"I live about 150 miles from Tewkesbury Fields where my uncle is cared for so, with the various restrictions this year, I have been unable to see him. It's a very challenging situation for everybody in similar circumstances but Tewkesbury Fields staff have done their utmost to facilitate regular contact and to keep me informed. The little but important touches like the sending of postcards to relatives/friends have been so welcome. The staff are dedicated to delivering the best possible care in these most trying times and I am comforted and encouraged to know that my uncle is in good and safe hands. If I ever have a question or query it's dealt with quickly and efficiently. I am so grateful."

Christine rating: 4.58 out of 5

"My sister has been a resident since November 2019, at which time I returned home to Canada. You can imagine the upheaval moving, from your very own residence to a care home was quite traumatic for her. Nevertheless, the compassion shown by staff enabled my sister to maintain her dignity during this time of change. During the last 12 months, I have dealt with many members of staff by phone or skype. Over this time period, all concerns or requests regarding her health were dealt with immediately including a phone call from the Doctor and to my sister's satisfaction. At the same time, COVID19 struck and resulted in restricted visiting by myself from Canada, although my niece was allowed to distance visit my sister, apart from the phone and skype calls which allowed my sister to cope, greatly supported by the care staff."

Ronald N rating: 4.25 out of 5

"My husband has been a resident in Tewkesbury Fields since March of this year. Although it was difficult at the start for him, not least due to the Covid 19 pandemic and his Parkinson's illness, the care and hard work by staff helped him settle in very quickly. Due to the Covid restrictions, I haven't been able to meet all of the staff, however, those I have met have a lovely friendly attitude. The garden visits have been wonderful for both myself and my husband where we have been able to have a chat face to face. The activities team are always there for us should we need to ask any questions. My husband has had a couple of falls in his room. However, when this happens I am always informed even if it's only a bruise he sustains. I would like to give the receptionist a mention. He is always very helpful and polite when I have the need to contact him. Thank you Tewkesbury Fields for looking after my husband and keeping him safe."

Dorothy B rating: 4.75 out of 5

"Throughout these long months, the Tewkesbury Fields team have been wonderful in sustaining a positive and encouraging community, redoubling their efforts to provide sensitive, responsive care to residents, handling relatives’ concerns with patience and understanding and actively facilitating contact for families with their loved ones. The home is blessed with some remarkably dedicated staff, whose attentiveness and thoughtful kindness, along with their tremendous reserves of energy and enthusiasm, have been so reassuring and hugely appreciated during what has been an exceptionally difficult period. I cannot thank them enough for rising to the challenges of Covid-19 with such resilience and professionalism."

Jane G rating: 4.67 out of 5

"We have very much appreciated the care and close attention my mother has received while she has been ill. The nurse and carers always work hard to give residents all the care they need but over the past two weeks, they have really gone the extra mile. And they have been unvaryingly helpful and reassuring in answering our (many) phone calls in the middle of their busy day."

Mary A rating: 3.75 out of 5

"During a particularly difficult period for all concerned, I am very grateful for the ability to communicate with relative and for the cooperation from staff with their assistance in this. Also with their time when enquiring about the health of our relative and any concerns we may have had. There has never been a moment in their precious time that I have felt that we were being a nuisance and they hadn't got time to address those concerns or worries. No doubt they all have concerns and worries about their own families. The staff work extremely hard and particularly so during the existing times we are living through."

Jean T rating: 4.17 out of 5

"During lockdown, all the staff have been working extremely hard to ensure the residents are well cared for. The reception staff are always very helpful and welcoming on the phone. The activities team provide a weekly activities newsletter, which is varied and must keep the residents amused. The nursing staff are happy to update on the health and well being of the residents. The option's below I cannot answer properly as not being able to go into the home makes an assessment unrealistic and would be unfair to comment."

V C rating: 4.08 out of 5

"A follow-up review having now had access to Tewkesbury Fields. I was reunited indoors today with my lovely mum after 52 weeks. I want to sincerely thank all the staff for taking such good care of her, I appreciate this has been a difficult time for not just loved ones but for those of you who have turned up each day caring for mum so well. I am so pleased I chose the perfect place for mum and would not hesitate to recommend Tewkesbury Fields. Thank you."

Suzanne B rating: 4.83 out of 5

"I stayed in Tewkesbury Fields for two weeks after a fracture in my pelvis and catching Covid in hospital. As I live on my own, I was not ready to go home, and my eldest son read about this care home. It was a great solution to have some special care to get back on my feet. The staff were amazing, making me welcome and giving me constant attention. Apart from their medical support, they were always ready to chat, boost my morale and give their time to walk with me and check on me during the night."

Johanna S rating: 4.67 out of 5

"Great food and occupation. Very comfortable. Staff are very sociable and helpful."

Linden A rating: 4.83 out of 5

"We needed respite care for my brother-in-law for just over a week and cannot recommend Tewkesbury Fields Care Home enough. A beautifully renovated property, like a five-star hotel with spacious rooms and bathrooms. When we went to view, there were four ladies having lunch and chatting as if they were enjoying a restaurant meal out - you would not know this was a care home dining room, it felt luxurious. Menu choices and food were excellent with a G&T or glass of wine etc with your meal if wanted. Most important though was the care is given and the thoughtfulness of the staff here - in my experience, it's hard to find both together but Tewkesbury fields manage to give both quality accommodation AND quality care. Special thanks to the Manager and one of my brother-in-law's carers. I've seen and visited many care homes and it can be very depressing but after seeing a Barchester Home, and how well it is run, I feel much more positive about my own future if the need ever arose."

Cora P rating: 4.58 out of 5

"Myself and my sister wanted to move our Aunt closer to where we lived, as she was originally in a care home 4.5 hours drive from us. She had lived on her own for a number of years and after a fall, and release from the hospital, was unable to live independently. After a great deal of research and worry, we came across Tewkesbury Fields. I went and met Emma and was shown around the beautiful home. You know when you walk into a home it just feels right? this did. I could just see her having not only wonderful surroundings, a beautiful home to be in, and the most incredible care but truly enjoying the whole package. The manager and the whole team, and it is a team effort, are wonderful, caring, fun, empathetic, supportive, and pure joy in my aunt's (and my sister's and mine) life. What a difference they have made, we finally have our funny, sparky, giggly aunt back, looking better than she has in years. Very highly recommend it. Thank you ALL. Wonderful food, great outings, love the 5.40 drinks."

C H rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Very much a home-from-home and rewarding experience. Such lovely people and welcoming."

Sylvia C rating: 4.08 out of 5

"Mum has been very well cared for in the five weeks she has been a resident at Tewkesbury Fields Care Home. The staff have all been kind and caring in all aspects. Our only criticism is the catering was not to mum's taste. Overall though, kind and caring."

Linda C rating: 4.42 out of 5

"Early days at this stage. Dad has settled in really quickly. The home is beautiful and clean. Friendly staff who are very quick to respond to dads needs. He has a really lovely room which is always clean and looks perfect when he returns. I am so happy to leave my father in this amazing care home knowing he will be well looked after."

Jacqueline P rating: 4.67 out of 5

"I came here for respite after the hustle and bustle of the hospital (they did an excellent job), within a day of being here I found the atmosphere most relaxing and the care from all departments was wonderful. I will be back again if needs be."

B B rating: 5.00 out of 5

"I was staying at Barchester Tewkesbury Fields Care Home for a month on respite care and I enjoyed it very much. The staff were very nice and looked after me well and I am thinking of going back for another session."

Betty W rating: 5.00 out of 5

"A huge shout out to the fantastic team at Tewkesbury Fields Care Home who cares for my 97-year-old mum. We visited yesterday and it's so comforting to see how content and well-cared for mum is. The attention to detail is amazing and your team are fabulous. From the member of staff in entertainment to the loveliest receptionist, the friendly lunch staff to the super friendly young lady carefully cleaning public areas to make sure the home was safe for all users. We can't thank your team enough ( sorry I didn't catch everyone's name) but we are eternally grateful for the high standards and levels of care Mum receives. Thank you team Tewkesbury Fields."

Jane J rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Mum has been in Tewkesbury Fields Care Home for 8 months and has been cared for brilliantly. She is very happy and enjoys the activities very much. The atmosphere is relaxed and caring, and always a lot of laughter in the lounge. In the autumn Mum was extremely ill and the care she received was excellent."

Judith M rating: 4.83 out of 5

"My mum (age 88) came out of hospital for two weeks respite care/convalescence. Her experience (and ours) was very good, staff, in particular, made the experience better and couldn't do enough to support her. The activities were very good, although Sundays were very quiet. The room was cosy, clean and comfortable, although small. Some rooms have no 'nature' to look at at all which is sad. One member of staff sat with Mum while watching her brother's funeral which was so kind. Mum made great progress."

Liz D rating: 4.33 out of 5

"I have been a resident here for three months and the home is excellent. The carers are so kind and helpful."

Doris M rating: 4.75 out of 5

"In a! From the greeting to the leaving, everything at Tewkesbury Fields is incredible. Friendly and attentive staff, six-star hotel surroundings and an overwhelming sense of well-being within the home. Nothing is too much trouble and the chef deserves a Michelin Star! Cannot recommend this home highly enough. Well done to everyone involved in its transformation."

Rachael B rating: 5.00 out of 5

"While there were occasional omissions in 'housekeeping' the overall level of care and attention was everything I needed. The staff are friendly and obliging and the accommodation excellent. The recent refurbishment means that everything looks pristine. The bed is comfortable, the ensuite convenient and the food is excellent, both in quality and imagination."

R W rating: 4.92 out of 5

"A very positive experience. Mum had a very enjoyable time."

C C rating: 5.00 out of 5

"I am happy here; the staff are quite helpful and friendly."

V C rating: 4.58 out of 5

"My aunt has been a resident at Tewkesbury Fields Care Home for approximately 10 months now. The management and all staff have been amazing in the care provided for my aunt since her arrival. The family are also very impressed with the care home and the staff."

Hazel W rating: 5.00 out of 5

"My aunt has been here for ten months and in that time the constant care and attention to all of her needs has been exceptional. The home is always clean and the staff are welcoming. My aunt has regularly expressed her gratefulness for being in such a lovely environment. We are confident of the staff's care and ability to look after my aunt 24/7. I would have no reservations in recommending Tewkesbury Fields Care Home."

Lesley D rating: 5.00 out of 5

"The staff have been very kind and caring. It was difficult for Mum to go into care as well as for us but we have had tremendous support."

C Z rating: 4.75 out of 5

"I enjoyed the company of the residents, they were all happy. Also, the staff were all very nice."

Janet G rating: 5.00 out of 5

"This was the first time using the home for respite. The whole process from the initial contact, the viewing and the actual stay was friendly, efficient, professional and very welcoming. The facilities are very good, especially the ensuite wet room. Food was excellent and offered variety. The staff were brilliant and went the extra mile, even delivering a forgotten item to our home in the heavy rain. Will definitely be back."

M L rating: 5.00 out of 5

"The help and treatment from all the staff was very good and caring. Everyone was very cheerful, which is an important attitude in care. The surroundings of the care home are very pleasant, cheerful and bright. I have limited experience of care homes but I liked what I saw here."

Anne M rating: 4.17 out of 5

"I am enjoying my stay here."

Ursula M rating: 5.00 out of 5

"We are so very pleased we chose Tewkesbury Fields. The staff are friendly, caring and helpful and nothing is too much trouble. The home is beautifully furnished and decorated but still feels warm and welcoming. Our friend has been treated with respect and empathy. We would have no hesitation in recommending Tewkesbury Fields to anyone; in fact, I had to persuade my husband to leave."

Ann R rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Very helpful staff and a lovely care home. Food excellent. Nursing was professional with good links with GP's and paramedics."

Stuart G rating: 4.75 out of 5

"My friend of almost fifty years has no living relatives and when he started showing signs of being unsafe and incapable of living alone, my wife and I decided he required professional help and attention. Having investigated other care homes, it was obvious that Barchester Tewkesbury Fields Care Home was, by far, the best option available. He was welcomed to the home and settled very quickly due to the actions of the manager and staff. The care and attention given, backed up with excellent facilities, food etc., shows we obviously made the correct decision."

John R rating: 5.00 out of 5

"We were looking for a residential care home for my mother, on inspection we were happy with everything Tewkesbury Fields had to offer. Mum has been here for 10 months now and her quality of life since being here has greatly improved. The social activities and food are first-class and the staff are all so friendly and helpful."

Pam C rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Mum has dementia and came in for respite care. The changes to her frame of mind and cleanliness were so improved that the decision was made by us as a family with Mum's agreement for her to remain. We believe this is all due to the care of the staff. The transfer from respite to permanent was made simple and straightforward with the guidance and help of the management and admin staff."

S M rating: 4.73 out of 5

"Excellent care, lovely friendly staff. My dad has really been happy here and we hope he will be returning after his spell in hospital. Kind regards to all staff."

S R rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Have now come to the end of my respite stay and so I will be very sad to leave, my time here has been fantastic, nothing is too much trouble."

S C rating: 5.00 out of 5

"My aunt has recently moved into the home but initially was very resistant to moving to any care home at all. I am delighted with how well she has settled in such a short space of time and can only put this down to the welcoming and caring approach of the staff in the home. It's such an enormous relief for me to know she is safe and well looked after."

Y R rating: 4.92 out of 5

"I couldn't wish for my mum to be in a better place. The care and kindness she receives is excellent. There is so much going on, from music, quizzes, crafts, trips out, and my mum recently celebrated her birthday and was treated to a cake, balloons and entertainment. The staff are very attentive and friendly and very professional at all times. They are always happy to talk over any worries and deal with any requests. Thank you to everyone at Barchester Tewkesbury Fields Care Home."

Susan T rating: 4.75 out of 5

"Our whole experience at Barchester Tewkesbury Fields Care Home has been wonderful. Staff are super friendly and really helpful. Being able to use the cafe facilities at any time is wonderful, as is being able to stay for a meal occasionally. My friend loves it here and we are all pleased with his progress. It is sometimes hard to realise that this is a care home and not a very welcoming hotel. Thank you all so much."

D H rating: 4.75 out of 5

"Very happy with the care Mother receives. Surroundings fantastic. Calming. Mother is the happiest she has been for a long time. Staff are very friendly. Can't fault anything."

D P rating: 5.00 out of 5

"I only stayed for one week respite care and found the experience very enjoyable. The staff were all very pleasant and helpful. They did not keep disturbing me in the night but I am sure they kept a discrete eye on me to check I was still alive! The food was excellent but I cannot walk without a frame so I stayed in my room, although they did offer to help me to the dining room every mealtime. There was no shortage of activities to meet every taste. I have a chiropodist and physiotherapist, both of whom were allowed to visit me and treat me as required. There seem to be plenty of meeting places to meet and greet visitors so I did venture out occasionally. It is worth noting that all walkways had a banister so getting around was not too difficult for most people. It would have been more convenient if my room had been a little larger but I look forward to my next visit."

G D rating: 4.50 out of 5

"Excellent in all ways. My mother enjoyed her stay and will be back."

Anne H rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Mom has been looked after fantastically whilst being at Barchester Tewkesbury Fields Care Home. The socialisation has been brilliant and it is great to hear that she has been out for walks and taken part in activities. I will definitely use the home again for future respite."

Nikki H rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Generally, good experience. Food could be a bit better. All of the carers were good but three members of staff, in particular, were exceptional."

R F rating: 4.42 out of 5

"My aunt has been a resident at Barchester Tewkesbury Fields Care Home since the beginning of July and has settled in well. I have been very impressed with the high level of care given to her along with the fantastic staff and facilities available. There are lots of activities to keep her busy and lovely trips out. I would highly recommend Tewkesbury Fields."

Clare B rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Always friendly and professional staff working hard to occupy and engage with all residents. As a relative, I always appreciate the high quality beverages and snacks laid on for us. No request is too much, well done all."

Phil R rating: 4.92 out of 5

"My aunt has been a resident at Barchester Tewkesbury Fields Care Home since the beginning of July and has settled in well. I have been very impressed with the high level of care given to her along with the fantastic staff and facilities available. There are lots of activities to keep her busy and lovely trips out. I would highly recommend Tewkesbury Fields."

Clare B rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Always friendly and professional staff working hard to occupy and engage with all residents. As a relative, I always appreciate the high quality beverages and snacks laid on for us. No request is too much, well done all."

Phil R rating: 4.92 out of 5

"Mom has been looked after fantastically whilst being at Barchester Tewkesbury Fields Care Home. The socialisation has been brilliant and it is great to hear that she has been out for walks and taken part in activities. I will definitely use the home again for future respite."

Nikki H rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Generally, good experience. Food could be a bit better. All of the carers were good but three members of staff, in particular, were exceptional."

R F rating: 4.42 out of 5

"I only stayed for one week respite care and found the experience very enjoyable. The staff were all very pleasant and helpful. They did not keep disturbing me in the night but I am sure they kept a discrete eye on me to check I was still alive! The food was excellent but I cannot walk without a frame so I stayed in my room, although they did offer to help me to the dining room every mealtime. There was no shortage of activities to meet every taste. I have a chiropodist and physiotherapist, both of whom were allowed to visit me and treat me as required. There seem to be plenty of meeting places to meet and greet visitors so I did venture out occasionally. It is worth noting that all walkways had a banister so getting around was not too difficult for most people. It would have been more convenient if my room had been a little larger but I look forward to my next visit."

G D rating: 4.50 out of 5

"Excellent in all ways. My mother enjoyed her stay and will be back."

Anne H rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Very happy with the care Mother receives. Surroundings fantastic. Calming. Mother is the happiest she has been for a long time. Staff are very friendly. Can't fault anything."

D P rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Our whole experience at Barchester Tewkesbury Fields Care Home has been wonderful. Staff are super friendly and really helpful. Being able to use the cafe facilities at any time is wonderful, as is being able to stay for a meal occasionally. My friend loves it here and we are all pleased with his progress. It is sometimes hard to realise that this is a care home and not a very welcoming hotel. Thank you all so much."

D H rating: 4.75 out of 5

"I couldn't wish for my mum to be in a better place. The care and kindness she receives is excellent. There is so much going on, from music, quizzes, crafts, trips out, and my mum recently celebrated her birthday and was treated to a cake, balloons and entertainment. The staff are very attentive and friendly and very professional at all times. They are always happy to talk over any worries and deal with any requests. Thank you to everyone at Barchester Tewkesbury Fields Care Home."

Susan T rating: 4.75 out of 5

"My aunt has recently moved into the home but initially was very resistant to moving to any care home at all. I am delighted with how well she has settled in such a short space of time and can only put this down to the welcoming and caring approach of the staff in the home. It's such an enormous relief for me to know she is safe and well looked after."

Y R rating: 4.92 out of 5

"Mum has dementia and came in for respite care. The changes to her frame of mind and cleanliness were so improved that the decision was made by us as a family with Mum's agreement for her to remain. We believe this is all due to the care of the staff. The transfer from respite to permanent was made simple and straightforward with the guidance and help of the management and admin staff."

S M rating: 4.73 out of 5

"Excellent care, lovely friendly staff. My dad has really been happy here and we hope he will be returning after his spell in hospital. Kind regards to all staff."

S R rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Have now come to the end of my respite stay and so I will be very sad to leave, my time here has been fantastic, nothing is too much trouble."

S C rating: 5.00 out of 5

"We were looking for a residential care home for my mother, on inspection we were happy with everything Tewkesbury Fields had to offer. Mum has been here for 10 months now and her quality of life since being here has greatly improved. The social activities and food are first-class and the staff are all so friendly and helpful."

Pam C rating: 5.00 out of 5

"My friend of almost fifty years has no living relatives and when he started showing signs of being unsafe and incapable of living alone, my wife and I decided he required professional help and attention. Having investigated other care homes, it was obvious that Barchester Tewkesbury Fields Care Home was, by far, the best option available. He was welcomed to the home and settled very quickly due to the actions of the manager and staff. The care and attention given, backed up with excellent facilities, food etc., shows we obviously made the correct decision."

John R rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Very helpful staff and a lovely care home. Food excellent. Nursing was professional with good links with GP's and paramedics."

Stuart G rating: 4.75 out of 5

"We are so very pleased we chose Tewkesbury Fields. The staff are friendly, caring and helpful and nothing is too much trouble. The home is beautifully furnished and decorated but still feels warm and welcoming. Our friend has been treated with respect and empathy. We would have no hesitation in recommending Tewkesbury Fields to anyone; in fact, I had to persuade my husband to leave."

Ann R rating: 5.00 out of 5

"I am enjoying my stay here."

Ursula M rating: 5.00 out of 5

"The help and treatment from all the staff was very good and caring. Everyone was very cheerful, which is an important attitude in care. The surroundings of the care home are very pleasant, cheerful and bright. I have limited experience of care homes but I liked what I saw here."

Anne Mogie rating: 4.17 out of 5

"This was the first time using the home for respite. The whole process from the initial contact, the viewing and the actual stay was friendly, efficient, professional and very welcoming. The facilities are very good, especially the ensuite wet room. Food was excellent and offered variety. The staff were brilliant and went the extra mile, even delivering a forgotten item to our home in the heavy rain. Will definitely be back."

M L rating: 5.00 out of 5

"I enjoyed the company of the residents, they were all happy. Also, the staff were all very nice."

Janet G rating: 5.00 out of 5

"The staff have been very kind and caring. It was difficult for Mum to go into care as well as for us but we have had tremendous support."

C Z rating: 4.75 out of 5

"I am happy here; the staff are quite helpful and friendly."

V C rating: 4.58 out of 5

"My aunt has been here for ten months and in that time the constant care and attention to all of her needs has been exceptional. The home is always clean and the staff are welcoming. My aunt has regularly expressed her gratefulness for being in such a lovely environment. We are confident of the staff's care and ability to look after my aunt 24/7. I would have no reservations in recommending Tewkesbury Fields Care Home."

Lesley D rating: 5.00 out of 5

"My aunt has been a resident at Tewkesbury Fields Care Home for approximately 10 months now. The management and all staff have been amazing in the care provided for my aunt since her arrival. The family are also very impressed with the care home and the staff."

Hazel W rating: 5.00 out of 5

"A very positive experience. Mum had a very enjoyable time."

C C rating: 5.00 out of 5

"While there were occasional omissions in 'housekeeping' the overall level of care and attention was everything I needed. The staff are friendly and obliging and the accommodation excellent. The recent refurbishment means that everything looks pristine. The bed is comfortable, the ensuite convenient and the food is excellent, both in quality and imagination."

R W rating: 4.92 out of 5

"In a! From the greeting to the leaving, everything at Tewkesbury Fields is incredible. Friendly and attentive staff, six-star hotel surroundings and an overwhelming sense of well-being within the home. Nothing is too much trouble and the chef deserves a Michelin Star! Cannot recommend this home highly enough. Well done to everyone involved in its transformation."

Rachael B rating: 5.00 out of 5

"I have been a resident here for three months and the home is excellent. The carers are so kind and helpful."

Doris M rating: 4.75 out of 5

"My mum (age 88) came out of hospital for two weeks respite care/convalescence. Her experience (and ours) was very good, staff, in particular, made the experience better and couldn't do enough to support her. The activities were very good, although Sundays were very quiet. The room was cosy, clean and comfortable, although small. Some rooms have no 'nature' to look at at all which is sad. One member of staff sat with Mum while watching her brother's funeral which was so kind. Mum made great progress."

Liz D rating: 4.33 out of 5

"Mum has been in Tewkesbury Fields Care Home for 8 months and has been cared for brilliantly. She is very happy and enjoys the activities very much. The atmosphere is relaxed and caring, and always a lot of laughter in the lounge. In the autumn Mum was extremely ill and the care she received was excellent."

Judith M rating: 4.83 out of 5

"A huge shout out to the fantastic team at Tewkesbury Fields Care Home who cares for my 97-year-old mum. We visited yesterday and it's so comforting to see how content and well-cared for mum is. The attention to detail is amazing and your team are fabulous. From the member of staff in entertainment to the loveliest receptionist, the friendly lunch staff to the super friendly young lady carefully cleaning public areas to make sure the home was safe for all users. We can't thank your team enough ( sorry I didn't catch everyone's name) but we are eternally grateful for the high standards and levels of care Mum receives. Thank you team Tewkesbury Fields."

Jane J rating: 5.00 out of 5

"I was staying at Barchester Tewkesbury Fields Care Home for a month on respite care and I enjoyed it very much. The staff were very nice and looked after me well and I am thinking of going back for another session."

Betty W rating: 5.00 out of 5

"I came here for respite after the hustle and bustle of the hospital (they did an excellent job), within a day of being here I found the atmosphere most relaxing and the care from all departments was wonderful. I will be back again if needs be."

B B rating: 5.00 out of 5

"Early days at this stage. Dad has settled in really quickly. The home is beautiful and clean. Friendly staff who are very quick to respond to dads needs. He has a really lovely room which is always clean and looks perfect when he returns. I am so happy to leave my father in this amazing care home knowing he will be well looked after."

Jacqueline P rating: 4.67 out of 5

"Visiting my aunt every fortnight I am always warmly welcomed by the staff. The accommodation is always of an immaculate standard, clean and inviting. The decor is very homely so it does not feel like what I had previously expected a care home to look like. My aunt is well cared for. The food provided is of high quality."

Lesley D rating: 4.92 out of 5

"Mum has been very well cared for in the five weeks she has been a resident at Tewkesbury Fields Care Home. The staff have all been kind and caring in all aspects. Our only criticism is the catering was not to mum's taste. Overall though, kind and caring."

Linda C rating: 4.42 out of 5

"Very much a home-from-home and rewarding experience. Such lovely people and welcoming."

Sylvia C rating: 4.08 out of 5

"Myself and my sister wanted to move our Aunt closer to where we lived, as she was originally in a care home 4.5 hours drive from us. She had lived on her own for a number of years and after a fall, and release from the hospital, was unable to live independently. After a great deal of research and worry, we came across Tewkesbury Fields. I went and met Emma and was shown around the beautiful home. You know when you walk into a home it just feels right? this did. I could just see her having not only wonderful surroundings, a beautiful home to be in, and the most incredible care but truly enjoying the whole package. The manager and the whole team, and it is a team effort, are wonderful, caring, fun, empathetic, supportive, and pure joy in my aunt's (and my sister's and mine) life. What a difference they have made, we finally have our funny, sparky, giggly aunt back, looking better than she has in years. Very highly recommend it. Thank you ALL. Wonderful food, great outings, love the 5.40 drinks."

C H rating: 5.00 out of 5

"We needed respite care for my brother-in-law for just over a week and cannot recommend Tewkesbury Fields Care Home enough. A beautifully renovated property, like a five-star hotel with spacious rooms and bathrooms. When we went to view, there were four ladies having lunch and chatting as if they were enjoying a restaurant meal out - you would not know this was a care home dining room, it felt luxurious. Menu choices and food were excellent with a G&T or glass of wine etc with your meal if wanted. Most important though was the care is given and the thoughtfulness of the staff here - in my experience, it's hard to find both together but Tewkesbury fields manage to give both quality accommodation AND quality care. Special thanks to the Manager and one of my brother-in-law's carers. I've seen and visited many care homes and it can be very depressing but after seeing a Barchester Home, and how well it is run, I feel much more positive about my own future if the need ever arose."

Cora P rating: 4.58 out of 5

"Great food and occupation. Very comfortable. Staff are very sociable and helpful."

Linden A rating: 4.83 out of 5

"I stayed in Tewkesbury Fields for two weeks after a fracture in my pelvis and catching Covid in hospital. As I live on my own, I was not ready to go home, and my eldest son read about this care home. It was a great solution to have some special care to get back on my feet. The staff were amazing, making me welcome and giving me constant attention. Apart from their medical support, they were always ready to chat, boost my morale and give their time to walk with me and check on me during the night."

Johanna S rating: 4.67 out of 5

"A follow-up review having now had access to Tewkesbury Fields. I was reunited indoors today with my lovely mum after 52 weeks. I want to sincerely thank all the staff for taking such good care of her, I appreciate this has been a difficult time for not just loved ones but for those of you who have turned up each day caring for mum so well. I am so pleased I chose the perfect place for mum and would not hesitate to recommend Tewkesbury Fields. Thank you."

Suzanne B rating: 4.83 out of 5

"My mum has resided at Barchester Tewkesbury Fields Care Home for nearly two years. The last twelve months have been extremely difficult, due to not being permitted to spend time with her, due to pandemic. It is very difficult to give an accurate review, based on questions applied, due to not being able to go into the home, therefore, I can only base my experience on telephone calls and letters received from Barchester. I shall submit a further review when we are eventually permitted to enter the home and spend quality time with our loved ones."

Suzanne B rating: 3.83 out of 5

"During a particularly difficult period for all concerned, I am very grateful for the ability to communicate with relative and for the cooperation from staff with their assistance in this. Also with their time when enquiring about the health of our relative and any concerns we may have had. There has never been a moment in their precious time that I have felt that we were being a nuisance and they hadn't got time to address those concerns or worries. No doubt they all have concerns and worries about their own families. The staff work extremely hard and particularly so during the existing times we are living through."

Jean T rating: 4.17 out of 5

"During lockdown, all the staff have been working extremely hard to ensure the residents are well cared for. The reception staff are always very helpful and welcoming on the phone. The activities team provide a weekly activities newsletter, which is varied and must keep the residents amused. The nursing staff are happy to update on the health and well being of the residents. The option's below I cannot answer properly as not being able to go into the home makes an assessment unrealistic and would be unfair to comment."

V C rating: 4.08 out of 5

"We have very much appreciated the care and close attention my mother has received while she has been ill. The nurse and carers always work hard to give residents all the care they need but over the past two weeks, they have really gone the extra mile. And they have been unvaryingly helpful and reassuring in answering our (many) phone calls in the middle of their busy day."

Mary A rating: 3.75 out of 5

"My husband has been a resident in Tewkesbury Fields since March of this year. Although it was difficult at the start for him, not least due to the Covid 19 pandemic and his Parkinson's illness, the care and hard work by staff helped him settle in very quickly. Due to the Covid restrictions, I haven't been able to meet all of the staff, however, those I have met have a lovely friendly attitude. The garden visits have been wonderful for both myself and my husband where we have been able to have a chat face to face. The activities team are always there for us should we need to ask any questions. My husband has had a couple of falls in his room. However, when this happens I am always informed even if it's only a bruise he sustains. I would like to give the receptionist a mention. He is always very helpful and polite when I have the need to contact him. Thank you Tewkesbury Fields for looking after my husband and keeping him safe."

Dorothy B rating: 4.75 out of 5

"Throughout these long months, the Tewkesbury Fields team have been wonderful in sustaining a positive and encouraging community, redoubling their efforts to provide sensitive, responsive care to residents, handling relatives’ concerns with patience and understanding and actively facilitating contact for families with their loved ones. The home is blessed with some remarkably dedicated staff, whose attentiveness and thoughtful kindness, along with their tremendous reserves of energy and enthusiasm, have been so reassuring and hugely appreciated during what has been an exceptionally difficult period. I cannot thank them enough for rising to the challenges of Covid-19 with such resilience and professionalism."

Jane G rating: 4.67 out of 5

"My sister has been a resident since November 2019, at which time I returned home to Canada. You can imagine the upheaval moving, from your very own residence to a care home was quite traumatic for her. Nevertheless, the compassion shown by staff enabled my sister to maintain her dignity during this time of change. During the last 12 months, I have dealt with many members of staff by phone or skype. Over this time period, all concerns or requests regarding her health were dealt with immediately including a phone call from the Doctor and to my sister's satisfaction. At the same time, COVID19 struck and resulted in restricted visiting by myself from Canada, although my niece was allowed to distance visit my sister, apart from the phone and skype calls which allowed my sister to cope, greatly supported by the care staff."

Ronald N rating: 4.25 out of 5

"I live about 150 miles from Tewkesbury Fields where my uncle is cared for so, with the various restrictions this year, I have been unable to see him. It's a very challenging situation for everybody in similar circumstances but Tewkesbury Fields staff have done their utmost to facilitate regular contact and to keep me informed. The little but important touches like the sending of postcards to relatives/friends have been so welcome. The staff are dedicated to delivering the best possible care in these most trying times and I am comforted and encouraged to know that my uncle is in good and safe hands. If I ever have a question or query it's dealt with quickly and efficiently. I am so grateful."

Christine rating: 4.58 out of 5

"My mother came to Tewkesbury Fields from hospital last year as she was not capable of living independently at home. She was confused and frightened to be there as she really wanted to stay in her own home. However, the staff were very friendly and caring and soon my mother felt confident enough to spend all day in the day room instead of her own room. The staff are great, nothing is too much trouble and if there are any niggles they respond quickly. Likewise, if they notice a problem they are prompt in contacting you. The home is beautifully clean and homely. My mother has a special diet and this is well catered for by the kitchen staff - she really enjoys the home cooking. The care staff have responded well to my mother's gradual deterioration due to her medical problems and she is well looked after. The activities team encourage her to join in activities for her enjoyment and stimulation. Everyone has worked hard during the crisis and I look forward to visiting in person again soon."

Diane B rating: 4.58 out of 5

"My Sister-in-Law was admitted to the care home living alone in a flat for 4 years after her husband passed away. Prior to moving to the home, she became lonely, frightened and unable to look after herself. She was also diagnosed with dementia. Since moving to the care home she blossomed from a frail old lady of 94 years, into a happy person who feels safe as the home is now her comfort zone. Sincere thanks to the management and all staff who should proud of the excellent care and facilities offered to all the residents."

Ray G rating: 5 out of 5

"During this lockdown period, the staff have been excellent. It's been lovely to meet relatives in the garden. As there have been no reports of Covid in the home, I must commend the staff for their diligence."

V C rating: 4.2 out of 5

"We found ourselves in a position looking for a home for palliative care for our aunt. From the very first contact with Tewkesbury Fields, the receptionist was compassionate and extremely helpful and gave me information on the home and what the next steps would be. The general manager, although new to the home was amazing. All of the staff were friendly, helpful and we honestly felt that they all wanted her to be happy in the home. From the house keepers, care assistants, chef and nurses. Two days in she turned 80, they got her flowers and put banners up and allowed us to see her through the window whilst one of the carers helped her with her presents. Sadly after only a week we were called and were allowed to be with her during her last hours, all of the staff again, were amazing, looking after us with food and drink, talking everything through, huge thanks to all the team - you really do make a difference!"

Lucy P rating: 4.58 out of 5

"This care home is generally very good most of the carers are very good. A few could do with more training. The rooms are very clean the only complaint I would make is the food could be a lot better for the money paid per month. But this care home has a lot to offer."

Gordon T rating: 4 out of 5

"The team at Tewkesbury Fields have done an amazing job in recent months protecting themselves and the residents from covid-19, demonstrating immense dedication to ensure the care they provide is of the highest standard. Thank you so much for this, it means a lot! Despite families being prevented from visits inside, the home has introduced well-organised garden visits, which has enabled some personal time to be spent with Dad. It has made such a difference to be able to see him face to face, with the rules being followed by the staff in a very engaging way, to ensure we both have the best experience from the visits. The team are always friendly, very happy to produce reassurance if needed, listen to any concerns and chat things through. It's great to know how committed and hardworking the staff are to make sure the residents needs come first. Nothing is ever too much trouble, and I feel fortunate that Dad is in such a lovely environment and care for by such a brilliant team."

L L rating: 4.92 out of 5

"The care taken of my aunt at Tewkesbury Fields has been exceptional. I have never once regretted the choice of care home. She is very settled and has not complained about anything, and she would have if she had not been happy! Staff are courteous and friendly. Any health issues are dealt with quickly and communicated to me immediately. During the present difficulties I have been confident that she is well cared for. This is both a comfort for her and for me! I cannot fault the care she receives, the food, the overall environment and last but not least the staff, who are great. It does not feel like a care home!!"

Catherine R rating: 4.5 out of 5

"Until October of 2019, my Sister in Law lived alone in a Flat in Dagenham. As acting POA, the family decided to relocate her in a residential Care home close to where we lived in Gloucestershire, as she had advanced Dementia and was malnourished, lonely, and afraid. My Family and I visited Tewkesbury Fields Care home and were very impressed with everything. First-class facilities, friendly caring staff, happy residents, and lovely spotless rooms. My Sister in law has been a full-time resident since October 2019 and we have seen her change into a happy Lady, well-nourished enjoying having other people around which importantly makes her feel secure and safe."

Ray G rating: 5 out of 5

"When our doctor felt my husband needed 24-hour care, I knew he was right, as I had hoped to be able to continue to be of some help otherwise. He has improved a lot with the wonderful attention given to him, I shall always be grateful for that."

J T rating: 4.67 out of 5

"All the staff are fabulous and they care for my Dad so well! They are always very friendly. He seems to be very happy with the staff and his surroundings. I can’t thank everyone at Tewkesbury Fields enough for their continued hard work."

Kim H rating: 4.58 out of 5

"My Aunt was admitted to Tewkesbury Fields after leaving hospital. I had always vowed that I would never put her in a home as she would not be cared for as well as I and the family would. How I was proved to be wrong! Since the first day she arrived at Tewkesbury Fields, I can not begin to say just how amazing the staff and everything the home offers are. The whole team are loving, kind, patient and so friendly. The rooms beautifully clean. Before the 'lockdown', I visited every week and have found their caring to be so genuine always striving for her best interests, keeping her clean, tidy and her mind stimulated with so many different activities, along with well cooked and presented, nourishing meals. Seeing her smiling and happy, I honestly believe the team at Tewkesbury Fields care for my Aunt as if she were family and my mind is at rest, certain that we have made the right choice for her. Thank you Tewkesbury Fields for looking after my Aunt with the love that we would."

Soula rating: 4.92 out of 5

"We very much appreciate the way the staff are working so hard to keep things as normal as possible for my mother during this difficult time. she remains contented and feels very looked after. Staff have been very reassuring to me and my sisters on the phone."

Mary A rating: 3.75 out of 5

"Living a considerable distance from the care home, we're very reliant on telephone calls to my uncle and the staff. The current Coronavirus outbreak is a very worrying time for everyone, but we have been considerably reassured by the regular updates and contact with the home. They have been very proactive in this respect, and when I've had a question or concern they have handled it quickly and sympathetically. We are so grateful."

Christine G rating: 4.75 out of 5

"I write this review during the Corona crisis. I have been in regular contact with Tewkesbury Fields and have been given regular updates. Staff have helped Mum with phone calls (her sight is not too good) so we have been able to talk to her regularly. I have confidence that quarantine procedures and care continue at a high standard. Overall (in normal circumstances and during this isolation) I have found the staff to be kind, caring and thoughtful. I have always felt that I can approach staff or management with any questions or queries. I know my Mum is warm, safe but most of all she is being well looked after and that gives me peace of mind, what else could I ask for? Thank you for all that you do."

Carol C rating: 4.58 out of 5

"My wife visited Tewkesbury Fields for the first time for the purpose of a one week respite break. Visiting somewhere new for the first time is always a difficult situation, but the staff at Tewkesbury Fields made her feel really welcome. The facilities were excellent, as was the food, but what really stood out was the professionalism of the care team. They are, without doubt, a very special group of people. The highlight for her was the activity programme. The Activities Coordinator's bubbly personality shone through in everything she did. Involving my wife & other residents in these activities makes such a difference. Our thanks go out to the whole team, and my wife is looking forward to her next break."

Suzanne B rating: 5 out of 5

"The home is exceptional in what it offers as far as i know. There are excellent staff and the atmosphere is positive, warm and friendly. Food seems to be good- though i hear there maybe problems with getting the dishes a residents had ordered the day before. I am concerned that inadequate use is made of "bright light" area or access to secure outside spaces, landscapes could be much improved for safety, sensory, ease of access and multiple use. The activities programme is very good."

G L rating: 3.91 out of 5

"I cannot praise the staff highly enough. They are a cheerful willing band who do all they can for the residents but on occasions there are too few staff and calls for assistance are not answered quickly enough. Because my father requires oxygen he is confined to his room quite a lot so more opportunities to be taken outside in a wheelchair would greatly improve his wellbeing as he is very much an outdoors man who loved his garden, wildlife and watching the birds ect."

Lynda M rating: 3.67 out of 5

"A1 +++"

James M rating: 4.58 out of 5

"Tewkesbury Fields Care Home is a very well run, comfortable care home where the staff are uniformly kind, caring, know all the names of the residents and address them personally and gently, no matter what their problems are. My 107-year-old mother has all her needs met and feels at home with the efficient friendly staff."

David W rating: 5 out of 5

"Staff are very good and helpful - under sometimes difficult circumstances. There is a very varied programme of activities for residents to enjoy and participate in. Knowing my mother is in a safe environment and receiving the care she needs is a great support and help to the family."

M B rating: 4.17 out of 5

"The prominent feature is one of smiling kind staff. The staff are without exception, kind and encouraging. The food is adequate if a little unimaginative, it is well cooked and well presented. The entertainment is varied though frequently, not what appears to be on the programme. There is always encouragement to do what you would like to do. Trips out are undoubtedly not nearly enough - lack of staff to go on trips to help with managing that less able, which to the majority are. The inviting of locals to give entertainment is excellent and needs encouraging. Families are always welcome."

J C rating: 4.08 out of 5

"My father was given very short notice to leave hospital and find a care home. We chose Tewksbury Fields partly because the manager and staff were so friendly, helpful, answered all our questions and were very accommodating. My father has settled well and feels that the home is now his home - this is helped by the friendly, pleasant attitude of the staff who stop to chat to him and help if he has a problem or question. he loves the activities, especially the exercise classes as he likes to socialise and interact with other people."

Alistair G rating: 4.58 out of 5

"My parent is in here for respite care for 2 weeks following a hospital stay after an RTC. Mum is overjoyed at the service & cleanliness of the home, the staff are very friendly & go overboard in trying to make their stay as nice as possible. Dad has mild dementia & they treat him with great respect & never leave him out of anything. The home phone me to give me updates or if they have any worries about my parents. All in all a great place to be."

George rating: 5 out of 5

"My mother has been a resident for 3 years here and 2 years at a previous home. I have marked Management as "Good", however, if this were to cover the last 3 years it would be "very poor" because until recently there have been frequent changes to the manager and it is a credit to the staff that this didn't negatively impact the running of the home. My only negative is value for money because most care homes cost £1,000 per week and although this is perhaps the true cost, it should be met by the public sector, that both my parents contributed to all of their working lives. Therefore this statement applies to all privately run care facilities."

GD rating: 4.08 out of 5

"Very impressed with my room and especially the views of countryside and birds coming to feed. The staff are very pleased and helpful."

B F rating: 4 out of 5

"My wife came to Tewkesbury Fields Care Home over 4 years ago after a spell in hospital. We chose this care home following strong recommendations from friends and did not view any other homes. She is suffering from an incurable illness and we have been very pleased with the care provided. The outstanding element of the care is the quality of the staff. They have always shown the skill and application needed especially as my wife requires hoisting for all transfers, fed at every meal and is difficult to understand because of her speech problems. Another excellent feature is the busy programme of activities. I would confidently recommend this home to anyone in a similar situation to my wife."

N C rating: 4.83 out of 5

"I know very little that goes on every day but we find her when we call, well looked after. Some days in good form and others not but we can't expect anything else at her age. She feels bored and lonely but again, one cannot expect anything else at her age. I feel more staff are needed."

Theresa C rating: 4 out of 5

"My Aunt has been resident at Tewkesbury Fields for 3 years. In those three years, her care has been outstanding and is improving all the time. The care/nursing care, activity, housekeeping, maintenance and management team has given 100+% care, kindness, respectfulness, empathy and amazing patience to all residents. The atmosphere is relaxed, welcoming and homely. The changes made since the new manager has been in post, is very positive. A big thank you to Brighterkind staff for their dedication, kindness and support."

Lyn H rating: 4.33 out of 5

"My mother has genuinely thrived since moving into Tewkesbury Fields. As someone in her 90's with very brittle bones, she feels that she is in a safe environment. The rooms are lovely and being all on one level is great - no stairs or lifts. She's very happy there and it is always a pleasure to visit. The manager runs a tight ship and is supported by a fantastic and highly experienced team who really care about the residents."

Georgina C rating: 5 out of 5

"Absolutely amazed by the standard of service and care at The Fields. The management were extremely welcoming and friendly; staff caring and attentive; food and service far ahead of expectations. Nothing is too much trouble. The dedicated GP is lovely and highly expert. Love the 'open door' policy for having guests to join meals, included phone and tea/coffee makes it a 'home from home'."

David H rating: 5 out of 5

"Admitted for respite care - everyone appears friendly, helpful and very caring."

W O rating: 4.42 out of 5

"The care home gave a very positive impression. The clients seem well cared for and respected. Staff were friendly and helpful."

S D rating: 4.45 out of 5

"My mother of 93 years, settled into this caring and supportive home very easily. Any worries or concerns regarding our choice quickly disappeared. Staff are excellent, very friendly yet knowledgeable and happy in their work. Environment very safe and comfortable, we explored many other care homes and we feel so relaxed and happy with our choice."

Michael B rating: 5 out of 5

"Your kindly, intelligent staff really do make the best of a difficult experience. It appears that you are under staffed in some areas."

P H rating: 4.5 out of 5

"The care is excellent. My husband has settled down very well due to excellent care from all the staff. Food is plenty always, I rate 9 out of 10. For nursing care 10 out of 10. I feel the nurses are professional and approachable and give me accurate information about my husband. The new management, home manager I rate as very competent and efficient."

Monica B rating: 5 out of 5

"My nan was a resident at Tewkesbury Fields from May 2017 - October 2017. She was always clean, happy and listened to. She passed away in October 2017 and the nurses and care staff were wonderful. They allowed my family to stay for 5 days until my nan passed. They gave them food and drinks, were caring and friendly, we even had use of a room to rest in if needed. We couldn't have got better care and neither could my nan."

Kathryn D rating: 5 out of 5

"My mother moved to Tewkesbury Fields in May 2017 direct from hospital. She was not a well lady, however, while living there her appetite improved, she felt cared for and was happy. Her 'end of life' treatment was exemplary. The expert dedicated care she was given could not have been better. For the last five days of her life, we were allowed to 'move in' with her. It felt like home. The staff cared for us as well as my mother. They fed us, gave us a room and so, so much support. The staff work as a team from the handyman to the nurses, everyone cares and helps the residents. Residents' individual needs were clearly catered for as we learnt by living there ourselves. My mother died peacefully in her sleep and Tewkesbury Fields enabled us to be with her and feel comforted by the fact she had received the best care possible, given with love, compassion and dignity. Tewkesbury Fields is a very clean, attractive building in a delightful country setting with grounds and country views. All the staff are excellent and I cannot express just how good our experience was. A sad time made easier by everyone who works there."

Joan D rating: 5 out of 5

"Mum was very ill but the care provided was stepped up to cater her extra needs. Also, the support offered to the family was extremely professional. We were informed regularly as to the treatment and options available. I believe mum is still with us because of the dedication of the entire team."

Gary M rating: 4.92 out of 5

"A warm and friendly environment with caring staff. They have had a few managers and many changes. Hopefully, this will improve once the new manager starts in mid-November. They need one or two more HCN's or nursing staff to cope with the demands of the residents. Staff work very hard, the day staff are more considerate than the night staff."

J E rating: 3.67 out of 5

"It is a pleasure to visit Tewkesbury Fields Care Home. I am always made welcome by the care staff. I am amazed how patient everyone is with my friend and thank them for the kindness shown to her. I occasionally have lunch with her, the food is very good and tasty."

Malcolm J rating: 4.45 out of 5

"I have been visiting my friend for over a year, the staff have always been pleasant and treat all the residents with great care. They have regular events to give pleasure to those who wish to attend. The staff are always going around with the drinks trolley with biscuits and cakes and the visitors are also given the choice to have some. Also, the cleaners do an excellent job of keeping the care home very clean."

L P rating: 4.83 out of 5

"My mother lived in Tewkesbury Fields from May until October this year. We feel extremely lucky to have found such a wonderful home for her after a traumatic stay in hospital. She was not well but her overall condition improved slightly due entirely to the amazing professional care she received. She got to know the staff and was made to feel safe and secure in her surroundings. Her appetite even improved. Sadly, Mum passed away on 18 October but her end of life care was amazing. The staff made us, as a family, so welcome and we were able to be with her day and night for 5 days. Mum was cared for with dignity and compassion - we will never be able to repay the kindness shown to us by everyone at Tewkesbury Fields."

Kathy P rating: 5 out of 5

"My husband was at Tewkesbury Fields for 2 weeks, whilst I had a break. He is quite a negative person normally, but he only had positive things to say about his stay. He was well looked after and my daughter kept popping in and she found him always to be clean and well presented. He had good words to say about staff. He said his bed was more comfortable than the one he has at home and was cared for during the night which he was anxious about. I will certainly put him at Tewkesbury Fields again when I need a little time to myself. Thank you Tewkesbury Fields."

Dorothy B rating: 5 out of 5

"Last spring, medical and social professionals informed my wife and I that 'little progress was being made' and that it was up to me. Afterwards, my wife said ' I don't mind where we go so long as we are together'. Naturally, I knew this could not be and felt vulnerable. You can imagine my relief to hear from the manager at Tewkesbury Fields that a camp bed could be put up alongside her, whenever I felt it be necessary, as was the case only a month later when she suffered a 'minor' stroke. Here, I could feel confident that the resident's needs would be of prime importance. From this standpoint, care in all its aspects flows, among which are nursing, personal hygiene, chiropody and hairstyling. A menu to look forward to and the ambience of the home. These and others, are all received but, for the resident's psychological health and well being, activities play a crucial role by helping him or her to play a part, to belong. Then through the monthly service, speaking visitors and minibus trips, by encouraging each one to look outwards, beyond the home."

Noel S rating: 4.58 out of 5

"Staff work extremely hard and are almost always polite and helpful. However, staff shortages are causing a lot of stress. I feel they are always rushed. Need for toileting at times up to an hour which is most unpleasant. Communication about residents could be improved. Food is on the whole good but not for diabetic clients as sometimes difficult to cater to all requests."

Bridget F rating: 3.67 out of 5

"Mum is fantastically looked after at Tewkesbury Fields, her care has been absolutely brilliant. She says herself that she is "being spoilt rotten", is "happier", that "the staff can't do enough for her" and all of the residents in general. She feels safe now, has much more social contact, fun, support and encouragement. Her days are much fuller, interacting with staff, who are constantly making her laugh and other residents, and her lovely visitors and friends and neighbours popping in also. I feel that they are looking after us too, as a family, throughout these very difficult, sensitive times and changes, as mum was desperate to stay at home. I absolutely cannot fault anything. I really look forward to going in, to see mum obviously and her friends there but also all the wonderful friendly staff who create such a warm atmosphere. Everyone is unfailingly professional, helpful, cheerful and welcoming and they obviously all really love their work and the residents."

Lesley M rating: 5 out of 5

"My mother was reluctant to go into a care home, however, she is extremely settled and happy and would not wish to be anywhere else. She loves her room and the privacy offered. The staff are supportive and most caring in every way. The general atmosphere is bright and welcoming. My mother describes it as being in a very nice hotel, the dining room being particularly pleasant with good, nutritious food on offer. Although the care is expensive, quality and caring staff come at a cost."

Melinda S rating: 4.92 out of 5

"My father has been in Tewkesbury Fields for some time now and is happy there. The carers and nurses are very friendly and get on well with dad. Many of the activities are fun and brighten the residents' days. Any problems encountered have been dealt with very quickly. The atmosphere is usually very nice, apart from the shouting by one very unpleasant resident who is both disruptive and rude and spoils the mood for everyone on a regular basis. My father is sensitive to this and it is a shame as it is really the only ongoing issue we have with the home. I feel very sorry for the residents and staff who have to put up with this antisocial behaviour. The home is clean and well maintained. There is good parking and lovely grounds. I would definitely recommend Tewsbury Fields to anyone looking for a caring home."

Wendy T rating: 4.83 out of 5

"My mother has been in Tewkesbury Fields for two years now, the whole care home has a pleasant atmosphere upon entry into the front door and all of the staff are always very kind thoughtful and happy within their work. I cannot recommend Tewkesbury Fields highly enough it has way outlived any of my expectations when it comes to my mother's care. Five-star recommendation for me right across the board. All of my mother's needs are taken care of and I sleep well at night knowing that she's being well looked after. We have also had issues with the local authority which was a very worrying time for my father and myself and very complex to deal with. The staff, including the manageress of the care home have been nothing but absolutely fantastic with supporting us through this difficult time and we really appreciate everything that they have done for us. Many thanks."

Alan H rating: 5 out of 5

"All staff of the care home are polite and helpful. There is nothing they won't do for you, carers and helpers especially."

F H rating: 5 out of 5

"When entering Tewkesbury Fields Care Home there always seems to be a welcoming atmosphere and helpful receptionist. Staff, carers and all other staff work tremendously hard and show much patience and understanding. Always eager to prioritise residents safety and well being with cheerful willingness to please with needs and requests. The activities team have much vitality adding much brightness and stimulation to residents days. Go to tremendous efforts to ensure happy times. Reassuring to be able to discuss health issues regarding my husband with the nurses, very understanding and aware of any problems or difficulties. Overall a happy and warm home."

W B rating: 4.83 out of 5

"Mum has been in Tewkesbury Fields for a few months now, I am very happy with the care she is receiving."

Caroline R rating: 4.92 out of 5

"Friendly welcome and familiar, always a smile (unless inappropriate)! Friends and family treated well and welcoming, care explained."

Joanna C rating: 3.17 out of 5

"Personal care and friendliness has been superb. There is a lovely atmosphere and homeliness about Tewkesbury Fields and all visitors are made welcome. Very comfortable rooms and pleasant outlook and all on one level."

Alan G rating: 4.83 out of 5

"Having come here following a serious operation for respite care I have been really well cared for by such a lovely happy working team which has helped my recovery enormously for a fortnight. I compliment all the staff who work equally hard for the benefit of their patients in a friendly atmosphere. Thank you."

Megan Celia G rating: 4.82 out of 5

"The staff quickly recognised my mother was seriously ill and admitted her to hospital, where she stayed for 10 days until well enough to return to the home. She has improved considerably and now looks clean, tidy and well cared for."

Jane C rating: 5 out of 5

"All the staff were exceptional in their care and support of my mother right from the beginning when she moved in. During her stay, through her short illness and throughout her final days, there was a friendly and supportive atmosphere throughout the home and the staff genuinely cared for both my mum and myself and any friends coming into the home to visit or accompany me. So although a sad time, it was made easier by the experience we had whilst there."

R C rating: 4.83 out of 5

"If you are looking for a home for your loved one, look no further. My mother was loved, cared for, understood, brought lovely food, entertained, engaged in activities, participated in art and baking and had a lovely cosy room. When the end of her life naturally occurred, I witnessed a whole new skill set. My experience was nothing short of outstanding and all the carers and nurses went above and beyond to make Mum extremely cared for and it was a huge comfort for which I am extremely grateful. I feel total respect for the role they undertake and the way they do it. The day after Mum passed the manager said they all felt a bit down as Mum brightened their day. I am left with complete reassurance knowing that Mums final years were happy ones at Tewkesbury Fields. Exemplary service. Daughter of a much loved resident."

D D rating: 4.92 out of 5

"The respite resident stayed at Tewkesbury Fields for one week and she was well cared for, attended activities and socialising. Her mental and physical condition appears improved following her stay. She has told me she had a very happy time and would go again. Thank you for looking after this resident."

Jan L rating: 4.92 out of 5

"I would like to thank the Activities Co-Ordinator for keeping me up to date on Mums progress whilst myself and my partner are away on holiday. She has sent emails and pictures of mum which have been lovely to receive. This has made my holiday far more relaxing knowing mum is content and happy. Thank you."

Suzanne B rating: 4.42 out of 5

"Everyone is very good to the wife in a manner and help in every way."

F H rating: 4.83 out of 5

"I have always found the staff to be knowledgeable, helpful, supportive and professional. I feel that if I was unhappy with anything, I could approach the staff with my concerns."

Carol C rating: 4.58 out of 5

"Although I'm not able to visit my uncle on a frequent basis, I speak with him regularly. The most important thing for me is that he's very content and happy with his care and, from what I can see, he's well looked after. His room is spacious and bright, always clean. He is also always clean, well dressed and appears to be as comfortable as possible. Responses to any health/comfort concerns he raises appear to be acted on promptly and to his satisfaction. I have also been promptly contacted when there have been any issues, for example, when he has fallen. I've been impressed with the general feel of the care home. It's well decorated, clean and does not have the smell so often unfortunately present in care homes. During the time I've spent with my uncle, there's always been a carer popping in to see him on a regular basis. I have also been encouraged by the different activities on offer. One thing that would help would be notification of changes in key personnel concerned with his care."

Christine G rating: 4 out of 5

"Mum is very content, happy and settled at Tewkesbury Fields, she loves her room. Thanks to the dedication, kindness, empathy and professionalism of nursing, care, kitchen and housekeeping staff, her emotional, medical and practical needs are very well met. We are particularly grateful for the positive attitude shown by all staff on Abbey Wing who work tirelessly and cheerfully, despite insecurity and uncertainty caused by three changes of home manager in 12 months. These changes have manifested in breakdowns in chains of communication, failure to implement planned improvements (eg. key worker scheme) and the procurement of resources (eg. items of china, light fittings, repairs to a bath). Failure to retain a care home manager indicates poor leadership at a higher level outside of the home itself, and I hope that the new owners will give consideration to improved systems of recruitment, professional development support and appraisal, perhaps involving residents and their families in these processes."

Jacqueline B rating: 4.5 out of 5

"Tewkesbury Fields has exceeded my expectations in the care given. The home was chosen as it covered both residential and nursing care. This was to avoid any necessity to move my friend should her condition deteriorate and was a very good decision. It does not feel like a care/nursing home and is more homely than most, with smaller sitting and eating areas. Tea and coffee making facilities are readily available for visitors and staff are always happy to discuss how a resident is. My friend has never complained about the food, the staff or the care she is receiving and she certainly would if she had any complaints. It may look a little more expensive than a basic care home but relative to the service provided, it is good value in terms of quality of life for the resident and reassurance for friends and family that their friend/family member is being well cared for and that their wishes are respected."

Cathy rating: 4.67 out of 5

Useful Guides and Information

Care and Facilities

Care & Facilities

Our facilities are designed to the highest standards and the care we provide is delivered by passionate and highly-trained professionals.

Find out more about our care and facilities

Activities & Events

Our activities programme is planned with individual tastes in mind, and residents always have the opportunity to try new and exciting things.

Find out more about our activities
Food and nutrition

Food & Nutrition

We offer a constantly evolving menu that caters to the tastes and dietary requirements of those we support.

Find out more about our food & nutrition

Your next steps to finding care

Our team are here to help you when you are ready to talk about the care and support you need. Please call our team to arrange a visit and come and take a look around our home.

Call our team

Call our team for more information about our care home and to arrange a visit. Phone lines are open Monday to Friday from 9am – 6pm and on Saturday from 9am-5pm.

Send a message

We'll be happy to answer your questions about the next steps for moving into our care home. Send us a message online

Download a brochure

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Our fees and contract

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Care Home and Company Awards

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What types of care does Tewkesbury Fields Care Home offer?

    Tewkesbury Fields Care Home offers Residential care, Dementia care, Respite / Short stay.