Activities at Park View Care Home

Our home is always full of life, and we can thank our wonderful Activities Coordinators for this. Dedication to creating a unique and interesting activities programme is what sets us apart from other homes. We always take into consideration that some people would prefer to pursue their own interests, which is why our team strive to incorporative activities that cater to a wide range of tastes and hobbies. Our trips out are always fun and exciting as well, and residents are guaranteed to return with stories to tell their loved ones!

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Rose, Teresa & Sharon

Activities Coordinators

We are the activities team here at Park View!


Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Park View Care Home

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Intergenerational Experiences

At Park View we know that intergenerational activity is hugely beneficial to all involved as it encourages communication and social skills. Intergenerational contact also helps to develop language and reading confidence through shared activities, as well as increasing confidence and self-esteem. Lastly it helps children to develop empathy, care, and kindness, helping them to understand and talk more positively about ageing and older people.

This sort of activity is made possible through our close links with local schools, colleges and nurseries. Intergenerational activities are a cornerstone of our life enrichment program. 

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Culture Day

As Park View has many cultures through our residents, relatives and staff we thought it would be great to hold a culture party. 

We had 4 themed tents:

Eastern European 

All the staff cooked and all relatives and residents came to enjoy the food. We had a DJ and singer to provide entertainment and a candy floss machine and table top games. 

We came together to celebrate, experience and embrace different cultures with cultural dress, discussions about history, incredible food, wonderful music, traditional dance, beautiful arts and beliefs. 

Our cultural traditions, language and experiences are the foundations upon which we build our identity. Through promoting this in our home we'll have a positive impact on our own health and well-being as well as the people we care for. 


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Evening Dinner with Professionals

Renata the general manager in the relatives meeting thought it would be a brilliant idea to have a evening dinner with professionals and families so Last night that's what we did.  we had a relatives and professional dinner cooked by our new chef Rajesh. This was the families opportunity to speak with the chef to help plan the new menu around what the residents love to eat. There was some great idea but our brilliant chef already had them planned on his new menu that was done to ensure he meet al the residents nutrition needs. 

We had the Dr from Tulasi medical center also joined us  to try out the new food and gave the families opportunity to speak with the Dr. We had a lovely meal and was served by the staff. 

This evening was very successful and the food was brilliant. Residents also joined and enjoyed a few glasses of wine. It was so nice to see families having dinner with there loved ones. We have arranged to do this every 6 weeks for more great menu ideas.

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A Dance Performance

Today we had a dance school come to park view and they come on a regular basis they do a fantastic performance dancing and all residents really enjoy watching them as after they spend quality time speaking to the residents. We love how colourful there outfits are.

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A Visit from William Ford School

William Ford school children come to park view today to have lunch with our residents. The school children also walked around the home and spoke to all the residents and even read some books to the residents that are bed bound. 

They also walked around the gardens with the Gardiner to see all the pretty flowers in the gardens 

Our resident love seeing the children and can't wait for them to come back.

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A Visit from Mary the Lamb!

Mary the lamb come to the home to visit our residents from performing pets 

Our residents love having a visit from them as it always puts a big smile on there faces and there able to go around all 108 rooms so every residents gets to enjoy seeing them 

Today we had Mary the lamb. 

Performing pets comes to park view every 3rd Wednesday 

Everyone is welcome to come along and see what animal we have next.