Charity urges people to get their troublesome memory checked

Charity urges people to get their troublesome memory checked

A leading dementia charity has launched a campaign to get more people who are worried about their memory to seek help.

According to the Alzheimer's Society, only a third of people who have dementia ever receive a formal diagnosis.

This presents a problem, as a recent study from the British Medical Group showed that people who were diagnosed early have a much better survival rate than those who discovered their condition later on.

The charity is therefore providing leaflets and poster to more than 10,000 GP surgeries, urging anyone who is worried about their own memory or that of someone close to them, to see a GP.

"We want people to know that everyone gets a little forgetful from time to time, but when memory loss starts to interfere with daily life it is important to get it checked out as soon as possible," said Ruth Sutherland, acting chief executive of the Alzheimer's Society.

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