Memory Lane Communities

Barchester’s Memory Lane Communities are specialised resources for people living with dementia. They reflect Barchester’s model of care based on hospitality, comfortable surroundings and high quality care but are designed to bring out the strengths of people living with dementia, to be welcoming to relatives and to local communities, and to ensure that staff give their best in a supportive environment. Everything in our Memory Lane communities has been carefully curated to help with moving someone with dementia into a care home — we understand how difficult this transition can be, so we want to make sure our environments can ease this process as much as possible.

Physical surroundings

The best physical environment is key to helping our residents find their way around and enjoy the environment. 

We take care in ensuring that appropriate lighting, colour theming and furnishings are to the highest and most attractive standards - so that as well as orientating residents and alleviating any anxiety, we create a setting which residents will be proud to call home. Many of our beautiful gardens are also designed to aid sensory orientation.

memory lane

Person-centred care

Our Memory Lane communities incorporate person-centred design in the use of colour and cues to help individuals navigate through the home. Thoughtful interior design features help with reminiscence. Communities are broken up into small units with a family feel, helping people feel safe and comfortable. Care is based on independence, dignity and choice, supported by a person-centred approach to care. Staffing levels reflect needs and people living with dementia are offered a range of activities to help preserve life skills, support interactions and retain a sense of purpose and selfhood.

Retain their sense of self

Though dementia in its late stages can threaten identity, people with dementia retain their sense of self through their relationships with others – and this can be built upon. In practice, this means responding to individual’s physical and psychological needs, developing relationships based on empathy, compassion and knowledge of individual’s life history.


Why is dementia care so important?

Specialist dementia care is vital to retaining the greatest quality of life, ensuring the relevant levels of engagement are available – something our Memory Lane Communities help with in our care homes.

It’s also worth noting that caring for someone with dementia can be a struggle, especially as the condition develops over time. Dementia care in a specialist setting such as one of our homes, not only helps to give your loved one the best support, but it will provide you with peace of mind.

Barchester’s specialist dementia care not only ensures that a person is looked after and safe, but makes a positive difference to their quality of life and overall well-being. As dementia progresses, the need for specialist care increases, as well as the support given to non-professional caregivers and affected family members.

Barchester care homes for dementia

Choosing a care home can be one of life’s biggest decisions. The combination of our highly trained teams, and approach to dementia care and support is developed through the latest research and years of expertise.

We know a safe environment is important when caring for dementia, and our homes’ Memory Lane Communities are designed especially for that – supporting independence through wayfinding, and reducing distress with visual prompts and relaxing environments.

Contact your local Barchester care home to find out how they can help you.


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Dementia help & advice

From making your current home dementia friendly, to the transition into a care home — we know that there are many challenges when it comes to caring for a loved one who has dementia. You can find a range of helpful resources that we have compiled in collaboration with our dementia care experts over on our Dementia Carers Support Guide and at Barchester, we’re always happy to discuss next steps when you feel it’s time to move to a care home.

Dementia help and advice

We understand that it can be hard to know where to turn when you have a dementia diagnosis or are caring for someone living with dementia. That’s why our care homes support their local communities and dementia charities by hosting regular support groups or events, like Dementia Cafés, that are free to attend. These groups offer help and advice, and allow families to share their experiences in a relaxed setting.

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