Activities at Wimbledon Beaumont Care Community

Our team of activities staff and volunteers are constantly striving to improve the lives of our residents. This includes the quality of our regular entertainers, the new PAT dog and cat visits, the new singing entertainment in residents bedrooms and the personalised visits by volunteers. We also encourage relatives and friends to join in with activities and trips out whenever they can.

As the festive season begins, the team at Wimbledon Beaumont would like to encourage you to join them to take part in our varied activities and regular trips out. 

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Julie Elguennouni

Activities Co-ordinator

My name is Julie and I have been working here at Wimbledon Beaumont for more than 15 years. I was promoted from Housekeeper to Care Assistant then to Activities Coordinator.

I am passionate about my job and love my role as Activities Assistant. I also love gardening and singing; I am creative and create a lot of activities programmes around sensory activities, flower arranging and exercise sessions.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Wimbledon Beaumont Care Community

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Pool Party

Earlier this month many of or residents enjoyed an afternoon game of pool.

Here at Wimbledon Beaumont we are lucky enough to have a pool table.

We understand that pool helps build concentration and focus. The game is mentally stimulating and helps build muscles as you stretch and walk around the table.

With all the positives of playing pool, its great that our residents thoroughly enjoyed themselves as well.

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Horsing Around

What better what to spend an afternoon than to visit our good friends at Wimbledon Village Stables.

Earlier this year several of our horse friends and their riders, made the visit to Wimbledon Beaumont to introduce themselves to our residents and staff.  It was a great afternoon for all.  One of our new residents said she wished she had seen the horses so we arranged for her to pop along to Wimbledon Village stables and see the horses on their 'own turf'.

We all had a great time.

The wonderful Wimbledon Riding Stables believe they are the oldest recorded riding stables in England and have been mentioned in records dated back to 1236/37. The current site is based behind the Dog and Fox in the high street.

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KnitandKnatter - ChitandChatter

Our knit and natter group prepared a fabulous blanket for our Lady Mayor when she visited our home earlier this month.  

The banter was in full flow whilst our some of our residents knitted and joined squares together for the Mayor.  She loved it and wore it round her shoulders for her visit, which was surprising because it was a hot day.

Thanks to all involded for creating the 'banter blanket'.

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Fruity Days

Here at Wimbledon Beaumont we know and understand the benefits to our health of having a mixed fresh diet where possible.

Often as well as afternoon tea and cake, we introduce a fresh fruit platter made by the resident's earlier that day.  As well as being good for us, its delicious. 


Three Fabulous Retired Nurses

Here at Wimbledon Beaumont Care Community we have many wonderful Residents that have had incredible and much valued careers. None more so than the retired Nurses that have chosen to live with us here at Wimbledon Beaumont Care Community.



A room with a View

This fabulous view over Wimbledon and London is from Jeans, Assisted Living Apartment at Wimbledon Beaumont Care Community

This view is amazing at all times of the day but extra special as the sun goes down.